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[英]Git commit / push through Teamcity

I have a project in teamcity that has the following structure. 我在teamcity中有一个具有以下结构的项目。 The developers develop against some git repository. 开发人员针对某些git仓库进行开发。 They push their changes and the teamcity CI build does its job. 他们推动变革,团队精神CI的工作就做好了。 I would like to chain a Release build to it to publish changes to a Github repository once everyone agrees. 每个人都同意后,我想将一个Release版本链接到它,以将更改发布到Github存储库。

I understand how I could do this through a command line script but I was wondering if I could declare a VCC (that won't be used for pulling) and somehow push to it? 我了解如何通过命令行脚本执行此操作,但是我想知道是否可以声明VCC(不会用于拉取)并以某种方式推送到它? Otherwise I have unencrypted passwords on my cmd script, which I would like to avoid. 否则,我将避免在cmd脚本中使用未加密的密码。

Thanks Yannis 谢谢雅尼斯

Why are you using github to store binaries/output from a build? 为什么要使用github存储来自构建的二进制文件/输出? I'd recommend something like Artifactory which works well with TeamCity. 我建议像Artifactory这样的东西可以与TeamCity很好地配合使用。 If you must use git, you'll probably have to manually enter a script into steps (eg: git add ., git push, etc.). 如果必须使用git,则可能必须手动输入脚本(例如:git add。,git push等)。

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