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[英]Swift compare two MetaTypes?

I need to test to see if a Type I'm passing to a function is of a certain class or not 我需要测试以查看我传递给函数的Type是否属于某个类

func doSomething<T> (type: T.Type) -> T {

   // Check to see if type is the same as Raw type?

   if type == Raw.self { } // Doesn't work, Compile error

   if type is? Raw.self { } // Doesn't work, Compile error

@objc class Raw {


Function overloading would be my first choice, but to answer the question; 函数重载将是我的首选,但要回答这个问题。 either use NSStringFromClass , or the following: 使用NSStringFromClass或以下代码:

@objc class Raw {


func doSomething<T: AnyObject> (type: T.Type) -> T {

    type as AnyClass === Raw.self as AnyClass { }

    // return something

This solution seems to work with pure Swift classes too. 这个解决方案似乎也适用于纯Swift类。

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