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[英]Casting in Java(interface and class)

if: 如果:

interface I{}

class A implements I{}

class B extends A{}

class C extends B{}

A a = new A();
B b = new B();

Why a = (B)(I)b; is correct
but b = (B)(I)a; is false?

I find casting to be very confusing, what is the best way to understand if I can down cast or up cast an object? 我发现施法很混乱,如果我可以向下施放或向上施放物体,最好的方法是什么?

Your class hierarchy looks like this: 您的类层次结构如下所示:

C  - > B  - > A  - >我

Object x can be casted to class Y , if runtime type of x is subclass of Y . 如果x运行时类型是Y子类,则对象x可以转换为类Y Or, in other words, if there is a path from runtime type of x to Y . 或者,换句话说,如果存在从运行时类型xY的路径。 By "runtime type" i mean the type of object (the one used when constructing object) as opposed to type of variable (the one from variable declaration). “运行时类型”是指对象的类型(构造对象时使用的对象),而不是变量类型(来自变量声明的对象)。

This is valid: 这是有效的:

b = new B();

Object stored in b has type B . 存储在b对象具有类型B It's casted to I and then back to B . 它被铸造给I ,然后回到B B is a subclass of both of them. B是它们的子类。 Cast to I doesn't actually do anything and is meant only to confuse you. 施展到I实际上并没有做任何事情,只是为了让你感到困惑。

However, neither of those is valid: 但是,这些都不是有效的:

a = new A();

They will both fail with exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: A cannot be cast to B . 它们都会因异常而失败: java.lang.ClassCastException: A cannot be cast to B a has type A which is not a subclass of B . a具有类型A ,它不是B的子类。 There is a relation between A and B , but it's in the opposite direction - B is a subclass of A . AB之间存在关系,但它的方向相反 - BA的子类。

For more detailed explanation see here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subclasses.html 有关更详细的说明,请参见此处: http//docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subclasses.html

The only thing of relevance to answering the question in your coding sample is the following: 与您的编码示例中回答问题唯一相关的是以下内容:

class B extends A{}

This means that B is a subclass of A. Subclasses can be cast to super class types, but super class cannot be cast to subclass types. 这意味着B是A的子类。子类可以转换为超类类型,但超类不能转换为子类类型。

Therefore, A cannot be cast to type B. 因此,A不能转换为B类。

Why? 为什么? Think about the logic this way: 以这种方式思考逻辑:

在此输入图像描述 is a type of Programming_language , but Programming_language is not a type of 是一种Programming_language ,但Programming_language不是一种类型 在此输入图像描述

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