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Windows / Windows资源管理器中如何更改文件扩展名

[英]How to Change File Extension, Windows/Windows Explorer

Recently I installed a program which changed all my .apk files into .°²×¿Èí¼þ×°Îļþ (.apk) (.apk) files. 最近,我安装了一个程序,该程序将我所有的.apk文件都更改为.°²×¿Èí¼þ×°Îļþ (.apk) (.apk) . .°²×¿Èí¼þ×°Îļþ (.apk) (.apk)文件。

NOTE: It's only changed the displaying extension of the files, in Windows Explorer. 注意:仅在Windows资源管理器中更改了文件的显示扩展名。 The actual file extension (as discovered via cmd) is still .apk 实际的文件扩展名(通过cmd发现)仍为.apk

I tried renaming the file, but that doesn't let me change the file extension. 我试图重命名该文件,但这不能让我更改文件扩展名。

Is there any way I can change these back into .apk files? 有什么办法可以将它们改回.apk文件?

I was wondering if you might be able to with the registry editor, or via some sneaky underhand methods. 我想知道您是否能够使用注册表编辑器,或者通过一些偷偷摸摸的手法。

Please help. 请帮忙。

maybe if you deactivate new application to open .apk files your problem resolved. 也许如果您停用新的应用程序以打开.apk文件,则可以解决问题。 go to regedit (type regedit in RUN and press OK). 转到regedit(在RUN中键入regedit,然后按OK)。 from file menu, export the registry to restore if it will be need next. 从文件菜单中,导出注册表以还原,如果接下来需要的话。 go to this address in registry: 转到注册表中的此地址:

“HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software \Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \ Explorer \FileExts\”

there is a list of extensions, find .apk and click on it, you can see a list of programs in right panel to open .apk files. 有一个扩展名列表,找到.apk并单击它,您可以在右侧面板中看到一个程序列表,以打开.apk文件。 then delete new program that's your opinion from list. 然后从列表中删除您所认为的新程序。

Windows huh? Windows,是吗? If you've not disabled System Restore and these files were on your system drive, you may be able to mount the shadow volume. 如果您尚未禁用系统还原,并且这些文件位于系统驱动器上,则可以挂载卷影。

"Volume Shadow Copy maintains snapshots of entire volumes. By default, it is turned on for your system volume (C:) and protects all the data on that volume, including all the system files, program files, user settings, documents, etc". “卷影复制维护整个卷的快照。默认情况下,系统卷(C :)处于打开状态,并保护该卷上的所有数据,包括所有系统文件,程序文件,用户设置,文档等” 。

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