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[英]How to get local eslint plugins to work with locally installed eslint

According to the docs plugins should work if they are npm modules named "eslint-plugin-" 根据文档插件应该工作,如果他们是名为“eslint-plugin-”的npm模块

Here's a plugin that follows that pattern . 这是一个遵循该模式的插件 Source is here . 来源就在这里

So, we make a new project 所以,我们制作了一个新项目

md foo
cd foo
npm init
... answer questions ..
npm install --save-dev eslint
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-require
echo "define(function(){});" > test.js
echo "{\"rules\":{\"require\": 2}}" > conf.json
node node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js -c conf.json --plugin eslint-plugin-require test.js

produces 产生

                throw new Error("Definition for rule '" + key + "' was not
Error: Definition for rule 'require' was not found. 

change the config to 将配置更改为

echo "{\"rules\":{\"eslint-plugin-require\": 2}}" > conf.json

nor 也不

echo "{\"rules\":{\"require-define\": 2}}" > conf.json

nor 也不

echo "{\"rules\":{\"require-require-define\": 2}}" > conf.json

nor 也不

echo "{\"rules\":{\"eslint-plugin-require-define\": 2}}" > conf.json

nor 也不

echo "{\"rules\":{\"eslint-plugin-require-require-define\": 2}}" > conf.json

does not fix it 不解决它

How do I use locally installed eslint plugins? 如何使用本地安装的eslint插件?

It is fairly simple to use local plugins with a local eslint install, just not immediately obvious at first. 使用带有本地eslint安装的本地插件非常简单,起初并不是很明显。

1. Install 1.安装

Nothing different here from what you're already doing. 这与你正在做的事情没有什么不同。

npm install --save-dev eslint
npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-require

2. Configure 2.配置

I'm using a .eslintrc file in my case, but the same principle should apply if you're passing a custom config file to the CLI. 我在我的案例中使用的是.eslintrc文件,但如果您将自定义配置文件传递给CLI,则应遵循相同的原则。 Note the difference in how rules are defined when it's a plugin. 注意当插件是规则时如何定义规则的区别。

    "plugins": [
        // Tell eslint about the require plugin
    "rules": {
        // Built-in Rules
        "camelcase": 2,
        "no-trailing-spaces": 2,

        // Require Plugin Rules (note plugin prefix)
        "require/require-define": 2,
        "require/require-array-syntax": 2,
        "require/require-module-prefix": 2

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