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[英]JavaScript: How can I access the string value of a String object?

I am trying to extend a method to the String prototype . 我正在尝试将方法扩展到String 原型

I want this method to manipulate the string value but I am not sure how do access it. 我想要此方法来操纵字符串值,但是我不确定如何访问它。

this the current object context seems to refer to the string object, but not the actual string value. this当前对象上下文似乎是指String对象,但不是实际的字符串值。

String.prototype.test = function() { console.log(this)}
function () { console.log(this) }
 VM192:2 String {0: "l", 1: "o", 2: "l", length: 3, 
 has: function, contains: function, 
 escapeRegExp: function, camelize: function…

How do I access the string value instead of the string object? 如何访问字符串值而不是字符串对象?

You need call toString() 您需要调用toString()

String.prototype.test = function() { 


console.log( this.toString() )

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