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[英]How do I change the speed of the zoom in D3

I am currently using the mouse-wheel to zoom in and out on my D3 force directed graph. 我目前正在使用鼠标滚轮放大和缩小D3力向图。

Is there a way of zooming in slower or quicker 有没有一种放大或缩小速度的方法

For example, say the scale currently moves like this when I move the mouse wheel : 例如,假设当我移动鼠标滚轮时,刻度当前正在这样移动:


I wish to move it : 我希望移动它:

1,1.5,2,2.5,3 and so on. 1,1.5,2,2.5,3等等。

Here is my zooming function : 这是我的缩放功能:

var minZoom = 0.2,
    maxZoom = 2.5;
    var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
    .on("zoom", redraw)
    .scaleExtent([minZoom, maxZoom])//-call zoom but put scale extent on to limit zoom in/out

My redraw : 我的重画:

function redraw() //-redraw network
    var trans=d3.event.translate;
    var scale=d3.event.scale; 
    svg.attr("transform","translate(" + trans + ")" + " scale(" + scale + ")"); //-translates and scales

You can intercept and adjust the scale inside the redraw function: 您可以在重绘功能中截取并调整比例:

function redraw() //-redraw network
  var trans=d3.event.translate;
  var scale=d3.event.scale;
  var newScale = scale / 2;
  svg.attr("transform","translate(" + trans + ")" + " scale(" + newScale + ")"); //-translates and scales

Or if you want more specific interpolation, you can add an interpolator like d3.linear.scale() into the redraw function: 或者,如果您想要更具体的插值,则可以在重绘函数中添加诸如d3.linear.scale()之类的插值器:

function redraw() //-redraw network
  scaleInterpolator = d3.linear.scale().domain([1,10,100,1000]).range9([1,3,9,99]);
  var trans=d3.event.translate;
  var scale=d3.event.scale;
  svg.attr("transform","translate(" + trans + ")" + " scale(" + scaleInterpolator(scale) + ")"); //-translates and scales

I mark as duplicate and the original reply is in here: How to change speed of translate and scale when zooming in and out in D3 (using zoom.on & d3.event.translate, d3.event.zoom)? 我将其标记为重复项,原始答复在这里: 在D3中放大和缩小时如何更改平移和缩放的速度(使用zoom.on和d3.event.translate,d3.event.zoom)?

You can adapt the solution with you height and your width. 您可以根据自己的身高和宽度调整解决方案。 You can get this info as well from this.getBBox().height . 您也可以从this.getBBox().height获取此信息。 This height have the value after apply the scale, this mind that you are always an iteration behind. 应用比例尺后,此高度将具有值,请注意,您始终落后一步。 Better if you add the real height and width. 如果添加真实的高度和宽度,效果会更好。

 function redraw() {
        var scale =  Math.pow(d3.event.scale,.1);
        var translateY = (height - (height * scale))/2;
        var translateX = (width - (width * scale))/2;

        svg.attr("transform", "translate(" + [translateX,translateY] + ")" + " scale(" +scale+ ")");            

In this line: var scale = Math.pow(d3.event.scale,.1); 在这一行: var scale = Math.pow(d3.event.scale,.1); .1 is the factor of velocity, slowly when smaller .1是速度因数,较小时则缓慢

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