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Sencha GXT themebuilder 3.1.0 Beta无法与Sencha Gxt 3.1.0一起使用

[英]Sencha GXT themebuilder 3.1.0 Beta does not work with Sencha Gxt 3.1.0

I built a theme with the themebuilder from Sencha GXT 3.1.0-Beta. 我使用Sencha GXT 3.1.0-Beta版的themebuilder构建了一个主题。 It works well if I use Sencha GXT 3.1.0-Beta in my application, but if I use Sencha GXT 3.1.0 it doesn't work anymore. 如果我在应用程序中使用Sencha GXT 3.1.0-Beta,它会很好地工作,但是如果我使用Sencha GXT 3.1.0,它将不再起作用。

I get the following error: 我收到以下错误:

[INFO]    [ERROR] Errors in jar:file:/D:/maven/repository/de/company/theme-0.0.1.jar!/de/company/theme/client/base/toolbar/Css3ToolBarAppearance.java'
[INFO]    [ERROR] Line 20: The type Css3ToolBarAppearance must implement the inherited abstract method BoxLayoutContainer.BoxLayoutContainerAppearance.render(SafeHtmlBuilder)
[INFO]    [ERROR] Line 20: The type Css3ToolBarAppearance must implement the inherited abstract method HBoxLayoutContainer.HBoxLayoutContainerAppearance.moreIcon()
[INFO]    [ERROR] Line 20: The type Css3ToolBarAppearance must implement the inherited abstract method HBoxLayoutContainer.HBoxLayoutContainerAppearance.moreButtonStyle()
[INFO]    [ERROR] Errors in 'com/sencha/gxt/widget/core/client/toolbar/ToolBar.java'
[INFO]    [ERROR] Line 39: Rebind result 'de.company.theme.client.base.toolbar.Css3ToolBarAppearance' could not be found
[INFO]    [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/maven/repository/de/company/0.0.1/theme-0.0.1.jar!/de/company/theme/client/base/Css3ThemeAppearance.java'
[INFO]    [ERROR] Line 58: The method moreIcon() of type Css3ThemeAppearance must override or implement a supertype method
[INFO]    [ERROR] Errors in 'com/sencha/gxt/core/client/resources/ThemeStyles.java'
[INFO]    [ERROR] Line 29: Rebind result 'de.company.theme.client.base.Css3ThemeAppearance' could not be found
[INFO]    [ERROR] Errors in 'com/sencha/gxt/widget/core/client/toolbar/PagingToolBar.java'
[INFO]    [ERROR] Line 217: Rebind result 'de.company.client.base.toolbar.Css3ToolBarAppearance' could not be found

Does anyone have a hint what to do? 是否有人暗示该怎么办?

The versions must be used together - 3.1.0-beta of the themebuilder cannot work any version of gxt other than 3.1.0-beta. 这些版本必须一起使用-themebuilder的3.1.0-beta无法使用除3.1.0-beta之外的任何gxt版本。 Regenerate the theme with the same version of the themebuilder as the gxt version you are using. 使用与您使用的gxt版本相同的themebuilder版本重新生成主题。

By and large, versions are not so restricting - 3.1.0 and 3.1.1 should be compatible for example (though I can't guarantee that this is 100% so, since some quirk of behavior might be dependent between these versions), but the -beta version is, well, a beta - it has bugs, and breaking changes sometimes need to be made after a beta and before the final release. 总的来说,版本没有太大限制-例如3.1.0和3.1.1应该兼容(尽管我不能保证100%如此,因为某些版本的行为可能取决于这些版本),但是-beta版本是一个beta版本-它存在错误,有时需要在beta版本之后和最终版本之前进行重大更改。

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