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[英]Getting difference in time_t

I compute a start time like so ... 我这样计算开始时间...

time_t test = (int)difftime(time(0), gStatStartTime);
struct tm tempinfo;             
localtime_s(&tempinfo, &test);              
char buffer2[80];
strftime(buffer2, 80, "[%H:%M:%S]", &tempinfo);


When I compute a "stop" time for a 1-second run, however, my program prints [19:00:01] . 但是,当我计算出运行1秒钟的“停止”时间时,程序将输出[19:00:01] The seconds value is correct, but the 19 hours is terribly wrong. 秒值是正确的,但19小时完全错误。 What could be the problem? 可能是什么问题呢?


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