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[英]Convert shared layout of asp.net to html

I recently figured that hosting a microsoft webdomain is expencive. 我最近发现托管Microsoft网络域非常昂贵。 Therefore I want to change my website to a simple HTML file with JScript and Css. 因此,我想使用JScript和Css将网站更改为简单的HTML文件。

Does anyone know how i change this code from the shared-layout of my project to normal HTML code that i can paste into my index page? 有谁知道我如何将此代码从项目的共享布局更改为可以粘贴到索引页面的普通HTML代码?

<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />




@RenderSection("scripts", required: false)

Just display any page from your web site in your browser, right click on the page, and select "View page source". 只需在浏览器中显示您网站上的任何页面,右键单击该页面,然后选择“查看页面源代码”即可。 Copy and paste that into a new file - the HTML is all there. 将其复制并粘贴到新文件中-HTML就在那里。 No need to worry about what the above Render functions do as you are capturing the HTML after it has been rendered! 在渲染HTML之后捕获HTML时,无需担心上述Render函数的功能! Next add lines to the head section to link each .css file (keeping the same order as in the original script, that's important), and move copies of those files to your new site, and that should be it. 接下来,在标题部分添加行以链接每个.css文件(保持与原始脚本中相同的顺序,这一点很重要),然后将这些文件的副本移动到新站点上,应该是这样。

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