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[英]What wrong with my js code?

I tried to send data from JavaScript to html with Angular... I have this code 我试图使用Angular将数据从JavaScript发送到html ...我有这段代码

phonecatControllers.controller('start', ['$scope', function($scope){
    console.log('data - '+$scope.lloadd); 

    function second_passed() {
        console.log('data - '+$scope.lloadd); 
    setTimeout(second_passed, 3000); 

And this HTML code 而这个HTML代码

<div  ng-show="lloadd">

When I start app DIV is visible...but after 3 sec i see only alert... This is my log 当我启动应用程序DIV时可见...但是3秒钟后,我仅看到警报...这是我的日志

01-08 16:34:25.608: I/chromium(22042): [INFO:CONSOLE(179)] "data - true", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/controllers.js (179)

01-08 16:34:28.613: I/chromium(22042): [INFO:CONSOLE(182)] "data - false", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/controllers.js (182)

You must use angularjs $timeout instead of setTimeout . 您必须使用angularjs $ timeout而不是setTimeout With setTimeout angular doesn't get notified that something changed, but with $timeout it does. 使用setTimeout不会通知angular发生了更改,但是使用$timeout可以通知。

But you can also use $scope.$apply() in your second_passed() , but I do not recommend that. 但是您也可以在second_passed()使用$scope.$apply() second_passed() ,但我不建议这样做。

The problem is you're using setTimeout to cause a change to angular data on the $scope that angular doesn't know about. 问题是您正在使用setTimeout来导致角度不知道的$scope上的角度数据发生变化。

You need to read about angular's $digest cycle , but in short, you need to tell angular that some event has happened. 您需要阅读angular的$digest循环 ,但是总之,您需要告诉angular一些事件已经发生。

For timeouts, angular provides a service that does this for you, appropriately named $timeout , so it's very simple: 对于超时,angular提供了一个为您执行此服务的服务,名为$timeout ,因此非常简单:

phonecatControllers.controller('start', function($scope, $timeout){
 console.log('data - '+$scope.lloadd); 
 function second_passed() {
    console.log('data - '+$scope.lloadd); 
 $timeout(second_passed, 3000); 

Of course be sure to add $timeout to the arguments to your controller function to ensure it gets injected. 当然,请确保将$timeout添加到控制器函数的参数中,以确保注入了它。

Note that you can achieve the same result using $scope.$apply() to trigger a digest inside your second_passed function: 请注意,您可以使用$scope.$apply()second_passed函数内触发摘要来实现相同的结果:

function second_passed() {
  $scope.$apply( function () {
  console.log('data - '+$scope.lloadd); 

But this is not advisable for a couple of reasons: 但这是不可取的,原因有两个:

  1. It's more code! 这是更多代码!
  2. Manually triggering digests using $scope.$apply() can cause problems if there is another digest in progress already, so it's generally best to avoid it. 如果已经在进行另一个摘要,则使用$scope.$apply()手动触发摘要可能会引起问题,因此通常最好避免这种情况。
  3. $timeout adds more than just a $scope.$apply wrapper - it also returns a promise, and has a handy flush() decorator when you're testing. $timeout增加了$scope.$apply包装器-还返回了一个promise,并且在测试时有一个方便的flush()装饰器。

Whether you are in the habit of using promises and writing tests or not, you should use $timeout , because someday you will want to use those features. 无论您是否习惯使用promise和编写测试,都应该使用$timeout ,因为总有一天您想要使用这些功能。

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