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[英]Java scanning file and printing word (with multiple instances) once

I have a program which scans through a file containing football scores such as: 我有一个程序可以扫描包含足球得分的文件,例如:

Leeds : 1 : Manchester City : 2
Manchester City : 3 : Chelsea : 1

I am currently scanning it by lines and then splitting it up via the :. 我目前正在按行对其进行扫描,然后通过:进行拆分。 However I want to create a print out of a team without repeating it ie 但是我想创建一个团队的打印而不重复

Manchester City total goals = 5
Chelsea total goals = 1
Leeds City total goals = 1

is there a way I can I can do this without hard coding what the teamname is. 有没有办法我可以不用硬编码团队名称是什么办法。 so it just scans through a file and selects the teams but only once. 因此它只扫描文件并选择团队,但仅一次。 The scores are not important here Im just using them as an example the teamnames are what I want to to distinctly print. 分数并不重要,我只是以分数为例,而我要清楚地打印出队名。

I tried: 我试过了:

    While (file.hasNext()){
    String line = file.nextLine();
    String[] word = line.split(":");
    System.out.println(teamname+" total goals ="+goals );

Instead of printing the goals immediately store them in a Map: 无需打印目标,而是立即将它们存储在地图中:

private Map<String, Integer> goalCounts = new HashMap<>();

private void addGoals(String teamName, int numGoals) {
    if (goalCounts.containsKey(teamName)) {
        goalCounts.put(teamName, goalCounts.get(teamName) + numGoals);
    else {
        goalCounts.put(teamName, numGoals);

To print out the totals: 要打印总计:

for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> teamGoalsEntry : goalCounts.entrySet()) {
    System.out.println(teamGoalsEntry.getKey() + " total goals=" + teamGoalsEntry.getValue());

You could alternatively use an AtomicInteger to update the goals instead of overwriting the Map value. 您也可以使用AtomicInteger来更新目标,而不是覆盖Map值。

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