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[英]Remove duplicates from array directive

I have a div which shoes the names. 我有一个穿上名字的div。 I want to remove the duplicates in my array. 我想删除阵列中的重复项。 I have done this with filter , but i want to know how we can extend this to build a directive . 我已经使用filter做到了这一点,但是我想知道我们如何扩展它来构建directive

<div ng-controller="MainController">
            <li ng-repeat="name in names | unique">

Below is the filter code. 以下是过滤器代码。

    .controller('MainController', ['$scope', function($scope){
        $scope.names = ['a','b','c','d','a','c'];
    .filter('unique', function(){
        return function(names){
            var obj = {};
                obj[name] = null;
            return Object.keys(obj);
    .directive('unique', function(){
        return {
            link: function(scope, elem, attr){


How can i build a directive which removes duplicates from my array. 我如何建立一个directive ,从我的数组中删除重复项。

Here's how I would write it: 这是我的写法:

    .controller('MainController', ['$scope', function($scope){
        $scope.names = ['a','b','c','d','a','c'];
    .directive('uniqueArray', function(){
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            scope: {
                arr: '='
            template: '<ul><li ng-repeat="item in unique_arr">{{item}}</li></ul>',
            controller: function($scope){

                function get_unique(items){
                    var obj = {};
                    angular.forEach(items, function(item){
                        obj[item] = null;
                    return Object.keys(obj);

                $scope.unique_arr = get_unique($scope.arr);

and in the HTML: 并在HTML中:

<unique-array arr="names"></unique-array>

I think a directive is unnecessary as though as it's basically acting as a wrapper 我认为指令是不必要的,因为它基本上起包装器的作用

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