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[英]How to read & parse file using java script?

Here is my code I am reading a file Which contains latitude & longitude , I am sotring the file content in an Array .But I don't want to store it array ,Is there any other options so that I can store & process it. 这是我的代码,我正在读取一个包含纬度和经度的文件,正在将文件内容存储在一个Array中。但是我不想将其存储在array中,是否还有其他选项可以存储和处理它。

I am generating a map with these lat & lon in a for loop,I am passing these to a function,In an array you can not give a delay so I want other method 我在for循环中使用这些纬度和经度生成地图,将它们传递给函数,在数组中您不能给出延迟,所以我想要其他方法

Here is My code : 这是我的代码:

  function FileHelper()
        FileHelper.readStringFromFileAtPath = function(pathOfFileToReadFrom)
            var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
            request.open("GET", pathOfFileToReadFrom, false);
            var returnValue = request.responseText;

            return returnValue;

    var pathOfFileToRead = "LatLon.txt";

    var contentsOfFileAsString = FileHelper.readStringFromFileAtPath
    **var contentsArray=new Array();
    var contentsArray = contentsOfFileAsString.split('\n');**  

    function main()
        //  setTimeout(function() { remveh1();}, 2000);  


    function addMarker()

         var vehicle = new MQA.Poi({ lat: **vehicle_lat**, lng: **vehicle_lng** });
         var icon = new MQA.Icon('https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/gpsmapicons/blue/gpsmapicons07.png', 26, 26);          


        vehicle.setRolloverContent("Vehicle # KA05 9999");


    function remveh1()

Actually what I want is, I want a delay b/w displaying position on map. 实际上,我想要的是延迟黑白显示在地图上的位置。 From the above code I am displaying all the position at one time, I want to display them one by one, how should i do that 从上面的代码中,我一次显示所有位置,我要一一显示,我该怎么做

By way of (simplified) background, the browser uses the same thread to run JavaScript as it does to repaint, so if you try to update the page within a for loop the entire loop will complete before the actual repaint. 通过(简化)背景,浏览器使用与重绘相同的线程来运行JavaScript,因此,如果您尝试在for循环中更新页面for则整个循环将在实际重绘之前完成。 You would deal with this by replacing the for with an algorithm based on setTimeout() calls. 您可以通过基于setTimeout()调用的算法替换for来解决此问题。 In between timeouts JS is "inactive" (not intended as a technical term) so the browser can repaint. 在两次超时之间,JS是“不活动的”(不是专门的技术术语),因此浏览器可以重新绘制。

Your code includes calls to functions that you don't show, so I can only suggest a fairly minimal update to it, changing addMarker() to accept a reference to a marker as an argument rather than relying on global contentsArray() and i variables, and then rewriting main() to pass the appropriate marker object when it calls addMarker() : 您的代码包含对您未显示的函数的调用,因此我只能建议对其进行相当少量的更新,将addMarker()更改为接受对标记的引用作为参数,而不是依赖于global contentsArray()i变量,然后重写main()以在调用addMarker()时传递适当的标记对象:

function main() {
    var i = -1;
    (function processNext() {
       if (++i < contentsArray.length) { // if there are markers left
          addMarker(contentsArray[i]);   // add the next one
          setTimeout(function() {        // then delay before
            remveh1();                   // removing it and then
            processNext();               // process the next one
          }, 2000);

function addMarker(marker)
    split_contentArray = marker.split(',');

    // rest of your function here unchanged

(Simplified) demo: http://jsfiddle.net/3ao3wved/ (简体)演示: http : //jsfiddle.net/3ao3wved/

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