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[英]Dart-Editor: Dart not invoked?

For some reason i don't know, my DartEditor suddenly does not run the dart code anymore when i run an HTML file in Dartium. 由于某些原因,我不知道,当我在Dartium中运行HTML文件时,我的DartEditor突然不再运行dart代码。 Nothing happends on chromium and nothing is displayed in the console output. 铬上没有任何反应,控制台输出中也没有任何显示。

Either: 或者:

  • Chromium loads everything instantely 铬可立即加载所有内容
  • Chromium load the html but still loads indifenitely 铬加载html,但仍单独加载

I have already: 我已经:

  • checked that the build was successfull 检查构建是否成功
  • restarted DartEditor many times 多次重启DartEditor
  • made sure to remove all breakpoints 确保删除所有断点
  • specified into the .html file which .dart to load 在.html文件中指定要加载的.dart文件
  • tried to run the simpliest dart code (a single print() in the main), 尝试运行最简单的dart代码(主要是单个print()),

The only related topic ( Simple Dart Web Component Not Working ) does not resolve my problem. 唯一相关的主题( Simple Dart Web组件不起作用 )不能解决我的问题。 Any help would be much apreciated, thank you. 任何帮助将不胜感激,谢谢。


Sometimes dart does something similar and normally there are errors on the bindings within my html. 有时dart会执行类似的操作,并且通常我的html中的绑定存在错误。 Even fixing that error, it seems that dartium still not wanting to load my page (sometimes I even get 404 index.html not found). 即使修复了该错误,似乎dartium仍不希望加载我的页面(有时甚至找不到404 index.html)。

My solution is to run an example project with no errors that I know it couldn't crash, for some reasons that unblocks dartium for the main project too. 我的解决方案是运行一个示例项目,并且不会出现我知道不会崩溃的错误,由于某些原因,该错误也会导致主项目的dartium解除阻塞。

Good luck! 祝好运!

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