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[英]Call ActionResult method from button press

I'm trying to call an ActionResult method from a web page form but I can't seem get the two items to connect. 我正在尝试从网页表单中调用ActionResult方法,但似乎无法将两个项目连接起来。

The desired result is for the page to refresh and filter the model to display the required results. 期望的结果是页面刷新和过滤模型以显示所需的结果。

Method in serversController.cs serversController.cs中的方法

The internal code works as intended when placed in ActionResult Index 内部代码放在ActionResult Index时可以正常工作

public ActionResult activeServers()
    // load the servers into local variable
    var servers = from s in db.Servers
                  select s;

    // filter out the archived servers
    servers = servers.Where(s => s.archive.Equals(0));

    return View(servers.ToList());

Button making the call 拨打电话的按钮

@using (Html.BeginForm())
    <button name="activeServers" type="submit" value="activeServers" class="btn btn-default">Active</button>

Thanks is advance 谢谢提前

Try to specify the action method, controller name ( without the controller suffix ) and the http method (it defaults to GET) in the BeginForm : 尝试在BeginForm指定操作方法,控制器名称( 不带controller后缀 )和http方法(默认为GET):

@using (Html.BeginForm("activeServers", "Servers", FormMethod.POST))
    <button name="activeServers" type="submit" value="activeServers" class="btn btn-default">Active</button>

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