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[英]Select from database with count and count based conditions?

I have a table with data relating to a user, and two important columns: 我有一个表,其中包含与用户有关的数据,以及两个重要的列:

refer_count , which is updated when a new entry is made in the table with the referred_by column set to that users user_id , and referred_by which is the user_id of the of the user that referred them. refer_count ,当在表中创建一个新条目时将其更新,并且referred_by列设置为该用户user_id ,并且referred_by是引用他们的用户的user_id

I want to select the users from the table that have the highest number of referrals after a certain date. 我想从表中选择在特定日期后具有最高推荐人数的用户。

For example: 例如:

If there are 3 users, one of which referred the other 2 (lets say users 2 and 3 ), however user 2 was referred on the 2/12/14, whereas user 3 was referred on the 3/1/15. 如果有3个用户,其中一个引用了另外2个用户(假设用户23 ),则在2/12/14上引用了用户2,而在3/1/15上引用了用户3。

If the cutoff is 1/12/14, then user 1 is returned with refer_count set to 2, but if the cutoff is after 2/12/14, then user 1 is returned with refer_count set to 1. 如果截止时间是1/12/14,则返回用户1并将Refer_count设置为2,但是如果截止时间是14年2月12日,则返回用户1并将Refer_count设置为1。

I've been thinking of how to do this, but I can't think of a way that would work. 我一直在想如何做到这一点,但我想不出一种可行的方法。 Is there a way? 有办法吗?

This is via MySQL. 这是通过MySQL。

EDIT: I think I may need to provide for information. 编辑:我想我可能需要提供信息。

The date registered ( register_date ) is used as the refer date. 注册日期( register_date )被用作参考日期。 I need the refer_count to be updated with the number of users referred after the cutoff, however I need to get the actual user. 我需要使用截止日期后引用的用户数来更新Refer_count,但是我需要获取实际用户。 This is for a 'top referrers' table. 这是用于“最高引荐来源”表的。 I can't figure out why I'm having so much trouble thinking of a way to do this. 我不知道为什么我在想办法时遇到这么多麻烦。

SELECT user_id FROM usertable WHERE (referal_date BETWEEN '2014-12-2' AND CURDATE())ORDER BY refer_count DESC;

That's the rough idea. 那是个粗略的主意。 You should look into normalizing your tables if you're keeping that all in the same table, though. 但是,如果将所有表都放在同一个表中,则应考虑对其进行规范化。 It'd be better to keep referals in a seperate table. 最好将引荐保存在单独的表中。

Get the row with the maximum in refer_count with a Date condition for your referal_date such that it's after the certainDate : 获取与最大的行refer_count为您的日期条件referal_date ,使得它的后certainDate

SELECT user_id FROM table WHERE refer_count = (SELECT MAX(refer_count) FROM table) AND referal_date>certainDate;

Note that WHERE is before SELECT so it will not get the highest count first, but will filter with the date condition then get the highest count. 请注意, WHERESELECT之前,因此它不会首先获得最高计数,但是将使用日期条件进行过滤,然后获得最高计数。

Edit: Updated query based on edited question. 编辑:根据已编辑的问题更新查询。

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