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[英]Dynamically style a WMS layer with Javascript from Geoserver

My web application serves a WMS layer to an OpenLayers map from Postgis via Geoserver 2.6.0, which works fine and as expected. 我的Web应用程序通过Geoserver 2.6.0从Postgis向WWW图层提供了来自Postgis的OpenLayers地图,该地图工作正常且符合预期。 The user can filter certain elements of the WMS layer by its attributes (via drop down boxes in the HTML) and the layer updates as expected. 用户可以通过其属性(通过HTML中的下拉框)过滤WMS图层的某些元素,并按预期更新该图层。 I would like to now add an additional drop down box that alters the style of the WMS layer, depending on the additional drop down box value. 我现在想添加一个附加的下拉框,该框根据附加的下拉框的值来更改WMS图层的样式。 The style options for the additional drop down are very simple, either 'normal' or 'highlight'. 额外下拉菜单的样式选项非常简单,“正常”或“突出显示”。 I thought that using a simple 'if else' statement in the javascript would force the layer to be drawn in one of these two styles. 我认为在javascript中使用简单的“ if else”语句将强制以两种样式之一绘制图层。 Unfortunately however when the user selects the new style and clicks the update button the style is not updated, and after days of wrestling with this I am completely stuck. 但是,不幸的是,当用户选择新样式并单击“更新”按钮时,样式没有更新,经过数天的努力,我完全陷入了困境。

The SLD syntax for the layer styles work fine individually (they validate in the Gesoserver interface) they just do not work together in this way, only the first style remains. 图层样式的SLD语法可以单独正常工作(它们在Gesoserver界面中进行验证),但它们不能以这种方式一起工作,仅保留第一种样式。

The nearest I found on terms of similar posts are these two, but these don't seem to solve my problem 我在类似职位上找到的最接近的是这两个,但这似乎并不能解决我的问题

https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/64113/how-to-dynamically-change-sld-style-of-wms-layer-being-served-by-geoserver-from https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/64113/how-to-dynamically-change-sld-style-of-wms-layer-being-served-by-geoserver-from

http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/dynamic-SLD-with-openlayers-td3806595.html http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/dynamic-SLD-with-openlayers-td3806595.html

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? Thanks in advance, code is below. 在此先感谢,下面是代码。

Code for the HTML.. HTML的代码。

 <p>Country filter:</p> <select id="cql1"> <option value="country LIKE 'england'">england</option> <option value="country LIKE 'wales'">wales</option> </select> <p>Road type filter:</p> <select id="cql2"> <option value="road LIKE 'a-road'">main road</option> <option value="road LIKE 'b-road'">minor road</option> </select> <p>Status filter:</p> <select id="cql3"> <option value="status LIKE 'in use'">in use</option> <option value="status LIKE 'under construction'">under construction</option> </select> <p>Line style:</p> <select id="line_style"> <option value="normal">Normal</option> <option value="highlight">Highlight</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="update" onclick="updateFilter(this);"> 

Javascript code... JavaScript代码...

 var roads; // function that updates the WMS layer following user selection function updateFilter() { var cql1 = document.getElementById("cql1"); var cql2 = document.getElementById("cql2"); var cql3 = document.getElementById("cql3"); var line_style = document.getElementById("line_style"); var format = new OpenLayers.Format.CQL(); if (roads.params.CQL_FILTER) { delete roads.params.CQL_FILTER; } var filter1; var filter2; var filter3; try { filter1 = format.read(cql1.value); filter2 = format.read(cql2.value); filter3 = format.read(cql3.value); } catch (err) { if ((cql1.value != "") || (cql2.value != "") || (cql3.value != "") || (line_style.value != "")) { //if cannot read one of the values alert("One of the filters cannot be processed"); } } if ((filter1) || (filter2) || (filter3) & (line_style.value = 'normal')) { layer.clearGrid(); // This gets rid of the previous WMS display... layer.mergeNewParams({ 'STYLES': "layer_normal", 'CQL_FILTER': cql1.value + " AND " + cql2.value + " AND " + cql3.value }) } else { layer.clearGrid(); // This gets rid of the previous WMS display... layer.mergeNewParams({ 'STYLES': "layer_highlight", 'CQL_FILTER': cql1.value + " AND " + cql2.value + " AND " + cql3.value }) } layer.redraw({ force: true }); return false; } // Details of the WMS layer itself roads = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "Filter Selection", "http://www.example.com/geoserver/roads/wms", { LAYERS: 'data:roads', format: 'image/png', srs: 'ESPG:3857', transparent: true }, { transitionEffect: null, buffer: 1, visibility: true, isBaseLayer: false } ); 

I managed to solve it in the end - it turned out to be a problem with my 'if' statement, in that it just needed to be simplified. 我设法最终解决了它-事实证明这是我的'if'语句的问题,因为它只是需要简化。 Relevant (working) javascript as follows... 相关(有效)JavaScript如下...

  if (line_style.value == "normal") { layer.clearGrid(); // This gets rid of the previous WMS display... layer.mergeNewParams({ 'STYLES': "layer_normal", 'CQL_FILTER':cql1.value+" AND "+cql2.value+" AND "+cql3.value+" AND "+cql4.value }) } else { layer.clearGrid(); // This gets rid of the previous WMS display... layer.mergeNewParams({ 'STYLES': "layer_highlight", 'CQL_FILTER':cql1.value+" AND "+cql2.value+" AND "+cql3.value+" AND "+cql4.value }) } layer.redraw({force:true}); 

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