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Eclipse Luna无法保存首选项

[英]Eclipse Luna Unable to Save Preferences

Using Eclipse Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1) -- with the CDT bundle as a base -- with most packages installed using pacman/yaourt under /usr , I am unable to persistently save a few preferences relating to appearance. 使用Eclipse版本:Luna Service Release 1(4.4.1)(以CDT捆绑包为基础),大多数软件包使用/usr下的pacman / yaourt安装,我无法永久保存一些与外观有关的首选项。 Though most of the preferences I have set seem to stay over restarts; 尽管我设置的大多数首选项似乎都不会重启。 two only work during one run of eclipse: - General/Appearance/ColorTheme/SetAllBackgroundColorsToTheDefault - General/Editors/TextEditors/Annotations/* 在一次蚀运行期间只有两个有效:- General/Appearance/ColorTheme/SetAllBackgroundColorsToTheDefault General/Editors/TextEditors/Annotations/*

Oddly, the first listed setting shows in the preferences window as set the way I chose; 奇怪的是,第一个列出的设置按照我选择的方式显示在首选项窗口中。 however, eclipse seems to simply ignore it unless I go in and toggle the setting, apply, toggle and reapply. 但是,除非我进入并切换设置,应用,切换和重新应用,否则eclipse似乎只是忽略了它。

The Annotarions settings, however, work when set; 但是,“注释”设置可以在设置时使用; but on restart, the preferences window show them as having been changed from what I set. 但是在重新启动时,“首选项”窗口显示它们已更改为我设置的值。 It is as if the setting is never persisted to disk. 好像该设置永远不会持久保存到磁盘上。

I have made sure that I own and have u+rw permissions on everything in ~/.eclipse . 我已确保自己拥有~/.eclipse所有内容并具有u+rw权限。 I have also tested by moving .eclipse to .eclipse_back and running with a new user conf dir. 我还通过将.eclipse移至.eclipse_back并使用新用户conf dir进行了测试。 I've also tried the -initialize and -clean switches. 我还尝试了-initialize-clean开关。 Nothing seems to remedy this oddness. 似乎没有什么可以弥补这种怪异。 Any guidance? 有指导吗?

----- EDIT -----编辑

I have discovered that the annotation and colortheme preferences live under <workspace>/.metadata/ . 我发现注解和colortheme首选项位于<workspace>/.metadata/ /。metadata <workspace>/.metadata/ I have verified write access to this dir tree as well. 我也验证了对该目录树的写访问权限。 I have also tried changing: warningTextStyle=DASHED_BOX in .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs manually when no eclipse instance is running. 我也尝试过更改:当没有Eclipse实例正在运行时,请手动更改.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs warningTextStyle=DASHED_BOX While this setting stays persisted in the file, eclipse seems to simply ignore it. 尽管此设置保留在文件中,但Eclipse似乎只是忽略了它。 WT_? WT_?

----- EDIT 2 -----编辑2

Manually editing usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.themes_1.0.1.v20140819-1717/css/dark/e4-dark_preferencestyle.css is also only partially useful. 手动编辑usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.themes_1.0.1.v20140819-1717/css/dark/e4-dark_preferencestyle.css也仅部分有用。 To be specific, changing 'AbstractTextEditor.Color.SelectionForeground.SystemDefault' from false to true does indeed work as expected. 具体来说,将'AbstractTextEditor.Color.SelectionForeground.SystemDefault'从false更改为true确实可以按预期工作。 Changing the annotations like 'warningHighlightingTextStyle=DASHED_BOX' does not seem to make any difference. 更改'warningHighlightingTextStyle=DASHED_BOX'类的注释似乎没有任何区别。

I had suffered a long time from the same problems with Annotations setting in Luna/Dark theme. 我在Luna / Dark主题中的Annotations设置中遇到了同样的问题,困扰了很长时间。 In e4-dark_preferencestyle.css you need to change warningIndicationHighlighting=true to warningIndicationHighlighting=false as well. e4-dark_preferencestyle.css您还需要将warningIndicationHighlighting=true更改为warningIndicationHighlighting=false Afterwards, the text style options like BOX or SQUIGGLES do work as expected. 之后,文本样式选项(例如BOXSQUIGGLES可以正常工作。

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