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[英]Add angular field validation dynamically

I am trying to create form builder application in Angular.js and I got stuck on validating fields. 我试图在Angular.js中创建表单生成器应用程序,但在验证字段时遇到问题。 Angular provides great validation but one thing is missing for my usecase, and that is turning various validation on / off dynamically. Angular提供了很好的验证,但我的用例却缺少一件事,那就是动态地打开/关闭各种验证。 I want to let my user add new form fields and then specify a validation (Angular default minlength, maxlength, ...) for each field alone. 我想让我的用户添加新的表单字段,然后为每个字段单独指定一个验证(Angular默认的minlength,maxlength等)。

Lets say that I want to create a button, that will add / remove minlength validation on a specified field (fields are stored in my model and are displayed through custom form and field directives), how should I do this? 假设我要创建一个按钮,该按钮将在指定字段上添加/删除最小长度验证(字段存储在我的模型中,并通过自定义表单和字段指令显示),我该怎么做?

I created a simple Plunker - http://plnkr.co/edit/pCXgwgnNbZkcAcl263JN?p=preview can you tell me what shoud be inside the toggleValidation() function? 我创建了一个简单的Plunker- http: //plnkr.co/edit/pCXgwgnNbZkcAcl263JN?p=preview您能告诉我toggleValidation()函数中应该包含什么吗?


<div ng-class="{ 'has-error' : userForm.name.$invalid && !userForm.name.$pristine }" class="form-group">
          <input type="text" ng-model="user.name" class="form-control" name="name" />
          <p class="help-block" ng-show="userForm.name.$invalid && !userForm.name.$pristine">Validation error.</p>
        <a href="" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="toggleValidation()">Toggle minlength validation</a>


validationApp.controller('mainController', function($scope) {

    $scope.toggleValidation = function()
      // ???


You should consider using something like http://formly-js.github.io/angular-formly/#!/ to dynamically generate forms from a set of JSON objects. 您应该考虑使用http://formly-js.github.io/angular-formly/#!/之类的东西来从一组JSON对象动态生成表单。 Then it would very very easy to toggle certain validation methods on and off. 然后,非常容易地打开和关闭某些验证方法。

I should try something like this: 我应该尝试这样的事情:

validationApp.controller('mainController', function($scope) {

  $scope.toggleValidation = function(validationFlag) {
    $scope.validationIsOn = validationFlag;

  $scope.minlengthValidation = function (field, minlen) {
    if ($scope.validationIsOn) {
      return (field.length >= minlen);
    } else {
      return true;


Note: this code is not real code, but it just wants to give an idea to build the real code... 注意:此代码不是真实的代码,但是它只是想给一个构想真实的代码...

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