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[英]py.test multiple tests for different results

Is there a good way to do this. 有一个好的方法可以做到这一点。

def patch_socket(request, monkeypatch):
    def gethostname():
        return request.param

    monkeypatch.setattr(socket, 'gethostname', gethostname)

def test__get_pod(patch_socket):
    assert __get_pod() == 'east'

Right now that'll work but I want to have the last test fail but be ok since if there is no -east in the hostname the __get_pod() function returns unknown. 现在可以了,但是我希望上一次测试失败,但是可以,因为如果主机名中没有-east,__ get_pod()函数将返回未知。

Is there a way to tell py.test that I want to pass in a param list of what tests should equal like 有没有办法告诉py.test我想通过什么测试应该相等的参数列表

 ('web01-east.domain.com', 'web')
 ('redis01-master-east.domain.com', 'redis-master')
 ('web01.domain.com', 'Unknown')

Instead of monkey-patching socket.gethostname , make the __get_pod to accept a parameter. 代替猴子修补socket.gethostname ,使__get_pod接受参数。 It will make the code more testable: 它将使代码更具可测试性:

Here's an example with pytest.mark.parametrize : 这是pytest.mark.parametrize的示例:

import re

import pytest

def __get_pod(hostname):  # dummy impl.
    hostname = hostname.split('.', 1)[0]
    if '-' not in hostname:
        return 'Unknown'
    hostname = re.sub(r'\d+', '', hostname)
    return hostname.rsplit('-', 1)[0]

@pytest.mark.parametrize(['hostname', 'expected'], [
    ["web01-east.domain.com", 'web'],
    ["redis01-master-east.domain.com", 'redis-master'],
    ["web01.domain.com", 'Unknown'],
def test__get_pod(hostname, expected):
    assert __get_pod(hostname) == expected

If you want to do it with mockey-patching (or, you can't change __get_pod signature) 如果您想通过嘲笑补丁来做到这一点(或者,您无法更改__get_pod签名)

import re
import socket

import pytest

def __get_pod():
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    hostname = hostname.split('.', 1)[0]
    if '-' not in hostname:
        return 'Unknown'
    hostname = re.sub(r'\d+', '', hostname)
    return hostname.rsplit('-', 1)[0]

@pytest.mark.parametrize(['hostname', 'expected'], [
    ["web01-east.domain.com", 'web'],
    ["redis01-master-east.domain.com", 'redis-master'],
    ["web01.domain.com", 'Unknown'],
def test__get_pod(monkeypatch, hostname, expected):
    monkeypatch.setattr(socket, 'gethostname', lambda: hostname)
    assert __get_pod() == expected

An alternative to falsetru's answer, which is more like what you've started like is to use the return value from the fixture. falsetru答案的替代方法(更像是您开始使用的方法)是使用灯具的返回值。 Given that __get_pod looks something like (modified from falsetru's dummy): 鉴于__get_pod看起来像(从falsetru的假人修改):

def __get_pod():
    hostname = socket.gethostname().split('.', 1)[0]
    if '-' not in hostname:
        return 'Unknown'
    hostname = re.sub(r'\d+', '', hostname)
    return hostname.rsplit('-', 1)[0]

You can test it like: 您可以像这样测试它:

    ('web01-east.domain.com', 'web'),
    ('redis01-master-east.domain.com', 'redis-master'),
    ('web01.domain.com', 'Unknown')
def patch_socket(request, monkeypatch):
    def gethostname():
        return request.param[0]

    monkeypatch.setattr(socket, 'gethostname', gethostname)
    return request.param[1]

def test__get_pod(patch_socket):
    assert __get_pod() == patch_socket

This requires the less changes from your original code. 这要求您对原始代码的更改更少。

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