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[英]Not able to access namespace variable in js file

a.js a.js

// @global-constants
var App = {

  constant: function() {
    constant.prototype.CONST1 = 'abc';


module.exports = App;

not able to access in say b.js using App.constant.CONST1 , it says undefined why? 无法访问说b.js使用App.constant.CONST1 ,它说不确定的,为什么?

there are two problems with you code: 您的代码有两个问题:

1.) App.constant would return a class(technically a function), but what you want is it's object, can be created using a new keyword, so it becomes, (new App.constant).CONST1 . 1.) App.constant将返回一个类(从技术上讲是一个函数),但是您想要的是它的对象,可以使用new关键字创建它,因此它变成了(new App.constant).CONST1

2.) constant.prototype.CONST1 would not work, because constant is not the name of your anonymous function, so I gave it a name foo and it becomes foo.prototype.CONST1 . 2.) constant.prototype.CONST1不起作用,因为constant不是您的匿名函数的名称,所以我给它命名为foo ,它变成foo.prototype.CONST1

the modified code: 修改后的代码:

var App = {
    constant: function foo() {
    foo.prototype.CONST1 = 'abc';


console.log((new App.constant).CONST1);

fiddle demo . 小提琴演示

If you just want to create a set of "constants", all you need is an object: 如果只想创建一组“常量”,则只需要一个对象:

// @global-constants
var App = {

  constant: {
      CONST1: 'abc';


To learn more about how prototypes work (so that you know when to use them and when not), I recommend to read this article on MDN . 要了解有关原型工作方式的更多信息(以便您知道何时使用原型以及何时不使用原型),我建议阅读MDN上的这篇文章

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