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[英]Android Application that periodically gets Location

I am trying to build an Android Application that retrieves the users location for every 'x' seconds and then displays it in a toast. 我正在尝试构建一个Android应用程序 ,该应用程序每隔“ x”秒就会检索一次用户位置,然后将其显示在烤面包中。

There are three main java files that I am using in my code. 我在代码中使用了三个主要的Java文件。 They are: MainActivity.java which extends Activity and uses the alarm service provided by the AlarmReciever.java , AlarmReceiver.java extends the broadcast receiver and LocationModules.java , extends Service and implements location listener , which contain code to retrieve location. 它们是: MainActivity.java扩展了Activity并使用了AlarmReciever.java提供的警报服务, AlarmReceiver.java扩展了广播接收器和LocationModules.java扩展了Service并实现了位置侦听器 ,其中包含用于检索位置的代码。

The sequence of flow is as follows: 流程顺序如下:

MainActivity.java ------> AlarmReceiver.java ------> LocationModules.java MainActivity.java ------> AlarmReceiver.java ------> LocationModules.java

LocationModules.java has a location manager that needs the application context which needs to be passed from MainActivity.java (I am not sure if I am right here). LocationModules.java有一个位置管理器,该管理器需要需要从MainActivity.java传递的应用程序上下文(我不确定是否在这里)。

Can anyone please help me with this. 谁能帮我这个忙。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。


如果您的LocationModules扩展了Service ,则可以只使用getSystemService方法(我的意思是,无需使用mContext即可调用它)。

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