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[英]Need a curved vertical line using HTML and CSS

I need a curved vertical line with 5 dots like this - 我需要一个弯曲的垂直线,有5个这样的点 -


On hovering over each dot, text should slide besdide it from left to right, and text should disappear on taking away the mouse. 将鼠标悬停在每个点上时,文本应从左向右滑动,文本在取走鼠标时应消失。

So far I have only been able to indent and place those 5 dots by means of modifying margin-left property for each item in the list. 到目前为止,我只能通过修改列表中每个项目的margin-left属性来缩进并放置这5个点。 I am not able to get the curved line. 我无法得到曲线。 How do I achieve that? 我如何实现这一目标?

Background: 背景:

Border-radius is really great for creating the appearance of curves. Border-radius非常适合创建曲线的外观。 The problem is that anything inside an container which is curved using this style ignores said curving. 问题是使用这种方式弯曲的容器内的任何东西都会忽略所述弯曲。 As you pointed out, we need to use margins. 正如您所指出的,我们需要使用边距。 However, by keeping everything symmetric, we can keep the margin-left s to three sets, one of which doesn't require a class. 但是,通过保持所有对称,我们可以将margin-left s保持为三组,其中一组不需要类。

Answer: 回答:

We can get away with a very simple structure here: 我们可以在这里找到一个非常简单的结构:


We have the ul as the outer wrapper with the top and bottom horizontal borders. 我们将ul作为外部包装,具有顶部和底部水平边框。 We use a ::before pseudo-element attached to the wrapper, to create the curved line. 我们使用附加到包装器的::before伪元素来创建曲线。 Each li is the menu entry. 每个li都是菜单项。 The blue circles are created with ::before pseudo-elements attached to the li , and we can achieve the text animation via the span inside. 蓝色圆圈是使用::before附加到li伪元素创建的,我们可以通过内部的span来实现文本动画。 We could get away with not having a span , but we'd need to declare the actual text content in the CSS, and I think it belongs in the HTML. 我们可以逃脱没有span ,但我们需要在CSS中声明实际的文本内容,我认为它属于HTML。

The CSS isn't too bad. CSS也不错。 We curve the ul::before and give it the border. 我们弯曲ul::before并给它边界。 We make it larger than 100% because the curve you show cuts off the top and bottom. 我们将其大于100%因为您显示的曲线会切断顶部和底部。

Screenshot: 截图:


Code: 码:

 ul { height:300px; width:300px; margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; position:relative; border-top:solid 2px black; border-bottom:solid 2px black; overflow:hidden; } ul::before { height:133%; width:133%; border-radius:50%; border:solid 2px black; display:block; position:absolute; top:-18%; left:10px; content:""; } li { margin:28px 0; color:lightblue; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; overflow:hidden; } li::before { height:20px; width:20px; content:""; display:inline-block; background-color:lightblue; border-radius:50%; position:relative; top:4px; margin-right:6px; } li.right { margin-left:30px; } li.middle { margin-left:6px; } li span { position:relative; left:-100%; transition: left 200ms ease-in; } li:hover span { left:0; } 
 <ul> <li class="right"><span>Anecdotes</span></li> <li class="middle"><span>Interviews</span></li> <li><span>Records</span></li> <li class="middle"><span>Recent Stats</span></li> <li class="right"><span>Recent Snaps</span></li> </ul> 

Success! 成功! As mentioned, this might be better using Canvas, or possible SVG. 如前所述,使用Canvas或可能的SVG可能会更好。 But if you want to stay strictly with HTML & CSS, this should help. 但是如果你想严格遵守HTML和CSS,这应该会有所帮助。

Second Method 第二种方法

Another way we can do this, staying with HTML & CSS, is to use transform:translate . 我们可以使用HTML和CSS来实现这一目标的另一种方法是使用transform:translate I thought this might be easier and more reliable, but it turns out it requires more CSS and more classes. 我认为这可能更容易,更可靠,但事实证明它需要更多的CSS和更多的类。 However, I got it working so I'm going to post it here anyway, because despite that it's pretty cool I think. 但是,我得到了它的工作,所以我打算在这里发布它,因为尽管我认为这很酷。

 ul { height:300px; width:300px; margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; position:relative; border-top:solid 2px black; border-bottom:solid 2px black; overflow:hidden; } ul::before { height:133%; width:133%; border-radius:50%; border:solid 2px black; display:block; position:absolute; top:-17.5%; left:10px; content:""; } li { margin:0; color:lightblue; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; line-height:30px; margin-top:-15px; } li::before { height:20px; width:20px; content:""; display:inline-block; background-color:lightblue; border-radius:50%; position:relative; top:4px; margin-right:6px; } li.one { transform: translate(60px) rotate(-140deg) translate(208px) rotate(140deg); } li.two { transform: translate(60px) rotate(-160deg) translate(208px) rotate(160deg); } li.three { transform: translate(60px) rotate(-180deg) translate(208px) rotate(180deg); } li.four { transform: translate(60px) rotate(-200deg) translate(208px) rotate(200deg); } li.five { transform: translate(60px) rotate(-220deg) translate(208px) rotate(220deg) } li span { position:relative; left:-100%; transition: left 200ms ease-in; } li:hover span { left:0; } 
 <ul> <li class="one"><span>Anecdotes</span></li> <li class="two"><span>Interviews</span></li> <li class="three"><span>Records</span></li> <li class="four"><span>Recent Stats</span></li> <li class="five"><span>Recent Snaps</span></li> </ul> 

Here's how you can achieve the curve, dots, and text display below. 以下是如何实现下面的曲线,点和文本显示。 You have to adjust it to suit your need. 你必须调整它以满足你的需要。

 #arch { border-left: solid 2px black; border-radius: 50%; height: 500px; width: 300px; margin-left: 100px; padding-top: 100px; margin-top: -80px; } #arch-outer { /* serves as a blade to cut off overly curved area */ height: 450px; width: 300px; overflow: hidden; /* Cuts off the overly cured area */ } #arch li { font-size: 76px; height: 85px; color: rgb(153, 217, 234); } #arch li:nth-of-type(1) { margin-left: 20px; } #arch li:nth-of-type(4) { margin-left: 15px; } #arch li:nth-of-type(5) { margin-left: 40px; } #arch li a { font-size: 20px; line-height: 76px; vertical-align: middle; color: rgb(153, 217, 234); } 
 <div id="arch-outer"> <div id="arch"> <ul> <li><a href="#">One</a> </li> <li><a href="#">Two</a> </li> <li><a href="#">Three</a> </li> <li><a href="#">Four</a> </li> <li><a href="#">Five</a> </li> <ul> </div> <!-- End arch --> </div> <!-- End arch outer --> 

View on jsfiddle 查看jsfiddle

You can create 1 blank <div class="curve"></div> and display only left border of that div as below: 您可以创建1个空白<div class="curve"></div>并仅显示该div的left border ,如下所示:

border-left:2px solid #000;
border-radius:50px; /*see how much you want to curve*/

OR else 要不然

create 1 curve image and apply to that background div and with help of position float your dot div on it and with hover effect show your text. 创建1个曲线image并应用于该背景div并在position帮助下浮动你的点div并使用hover effect显示你的文字。

check here http://jsfiddle.net/Lz97rgyf/2/ 点击这里http://jsfiddle.net/Lz97rgyf/2/

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