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[英]Spring - Startup code with dependency injection

I'm working on a simple web application using spring-mvc framework. 我正在使用spring-mvc框架开发一个简单的Web应用程序。

My configuration only has one single mvc-dispatcher Servlet, ( org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet ), and all my configuration is in the META-INF\\mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml ; 我的配置只有一个mvc-dispatcher Servlet( org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet ),而我的所有配置都在META-INF\\mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml I don't have any application.xml . 我没有任何application.xml

Especially, the mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml autowire all my beans. 特别是, mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml自动连接我的所有bean。

I would like to execute a piece of code at the startup of my web application, and this code need some beans that I need to inject. 我想在Web应用程序启动时执行一段代码,并且此代码需要一些需要注入的bean。

All the examples that I've found advice to implement WebApplicationInitializer or ServletContextListener . 我发现的所有示例都建议实现WebApplicationInitializerServletContextListener But the problem for me is that both these interface allow to execute my code before the start-up of my main unique Servlet, and therefore, before that my beans are auto-wired. 但是对我来说,问题是这两个接口都允许在我的主要唯一Servlet启动之前执行代码,因此,在我的bean被自动连接之前。

public class MyCustomListener implements ServletContextListener {

    private MyBean myBean;

    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {

        // I have tried the following to inject the beans:



        myBean.doStuff(); //NullPointerException

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent servletContextEvent) {

I've tried to inject my dependencies into the Listener, using something like WebApplicationContextUtils or SpringBeanAutowiringSupport , but my webapplication context is always null; 我曾尝试使用WebApplicationContextUtilsSpringBeanAutowiringSupport类的东西将依赖项注入到Listener中,但是我的Web应用程序上下文始终为null。 if I'm not mistaken, it's because the FrameworkServlet of spring hasn't read the mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml and created the webApplicationContext yet: 如果我没记错的话,那是因为spring的FrameworkServlet尚未读取mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml并创建了webApplicationContext:

From FrameworkServlet.initServletBean : FrameworkServlet.initServletBean

// this code that create the WebapplicationContext
// is executed after my custom listener
this.webApplicationContext = initWebApplicationContext();

What is the standard way to execute code that require beans in my case (ie with only a single DispatcherServlet that handle all the configuration)? 在我的情况下,执行需要Bean的代码的标准方法是什么(即仅使用一个处理所有配置的DispatcherServlet)?

Edit: 编辑:

My web.xml is pretty standard: 我的web.xml非常标准:

<web-app ... >

    <display-name>Spring MVC Application</display-name>




I tried to implement the ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> , but the ContextRefreshedEvent is never fired when I start my server: 我尝试实现ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> ,但是启动服务器时从不触发ContextRefreshedEvent

public class MyCustomListener implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> { 

    private MyBean myBean;

    // I don't know why this event is never fired?
    public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {

Is there a parameter that I should add in my web.xml and/or mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml to trigger the event ? 我应该在我的web.xml和/或mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml添加一个参数来触发事件吗?

It seems you need to execute some code after Spring context is initialized. 似乎您需要在Spring上下文初始化之后执行一些代码。 and not before it. 而不是之前。 You could use ContextRefreshedEvent event of the ApplicationListener . 您可以使用ApplicationListener ContextRefreshedEvent事件。

public class CustomInitializerClass implements ApplicationListener{ 公共类CustomInitializerClass实现ApplicationListener {

 public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent contextRefreshedEvent ) { } } 

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