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[英]Sort a list in haskell according to a predicate

I am trying to learn Haskell and I've come into issues trying to complete an example problem. 我正在尝试学习Haskell,并且在尝试完成示例问题时遇到了一些问题。 The problem is to sort a list in Haskell according to a given predicate ie the type is 问题是根据给定的谓词在Haskell中对列表进行排序,即类型为

sort :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

The code I have so far is : 到目前为止,我的代码是:

sort _ [] = []
sort f (x:xs) =
            smaller = sort f (filter (f x) xs)
            bigger = sort f (filter (f x) xs) --error is on this line 
            in smaller ++ [x] ++ bigger

The code not working correctly in the sense im not sure how to take the opposite of the function. 从某种意义上讲,代码无法正常工作,我不确定如何采取与该功能相反的方式。 for example if it were an ordinary sort function I would use smaller = quicksort (filter (<=x) xs) and bigger = quicksort (filter (>x) xs) this would then break up the list according to that predicate but how do I do this with a higher order predicate? 例如,如果它是一个普通的排序函数,我将使用smaller = quicksort (filter (<=x) xs)bigger = quicksort (filter (>x) xs) ,然后将根据该谓词分解列表,但该怎么做我使用更高阶的谓词来执行此操作吗?

You just need to use the not function to invert your boolean: 您只需要使用not函数来反转布尔值:

not :: Bool -> Bool

f :: a -> a -> Bool
f x :: a -> Bool

not . f x :: a -> Bool

And you'd use it as 你会用它作为

sort _ [] = []
sort f (x:xs) =
    let smaller = sort f (filter (f x) xs)
        bigger  = sort f (filter (not . f x) xs)
    in smaller ++ [x] ++ bigger

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