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Pixate 和自动布局

[英]Pixate and AutoLayout

I am looking into using Pixate with iOS 7/8 app.我正在考虑将 Pixate 与 iOS 7/8 应用程序一起使用。

  • Does it work with autolayout?它适用于自动布局吗?
  • Does it support it fully or are there conflicts?它完全支持它还是存在冲突?

I use AutoLayout extensively so I want to make sure it works.我广泛使用 AutoLayout,所以我想确保它有效。

  • Are there other CSS frameworks for iOS that work with AutoLayout?是否有其他适用于 AutoLayout 的 iOS CSS 框架?

The parts of Pixate Freestyle that specify style do not conflict with Auto Layout. Pixate Freestyle 中指定样式的部分与自动布局不冲突 Some lesser known pieces of Pixate let you specify positioning and such, and I suspect that Auto Layout constraints will override what's in your Pixate CSS.一些鲜为人知的 Pixate 部分允许您指定定位等,我怀疑自动布局约束将覆盖您的 Pixate CSS 中的内容。

But if you're just using Pixate for style, you're good.但如果你只是为了风格而使用 Pixate,那你就很好了。 I styled an entire Auto Layout app with no problems.我设计了整个自动布局应用程序,没有任何问题。

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