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[英]after discount if grand total 0 then need calculate tax based on custom price field and add into grand total in cart page

I have created one coupon with "Fixed Amount" that is suppose to $100 and I am adding product to the cart which price is $100. 我用“固定金额”创建了一张优惠券,假设该优惠券的金额为100美元,我正在向购物车中添加价格为100美元的产品。 Now I have selected in backend in System->configuration->tax->calculation setting "Apply Customer Tax is After Discount" and "Apply Discount on price is Excluding tax". 现在,我已经在后端的“系统”->“配置”->“税”->“计算”中选择了“应用客户税在折扣后”和“对价格应用折扣在税后”。

Now below is scenarios : 1) When I am adding product to cart and applying coupon then grand total become 0.(because coupon value 100 and Product price is 100 so it's become 0) now if I press on checkout button,in checkout page price displaying $0 and tax also showing $0. 现在是下面的场景:1)当我将产品添加到购物车并应用优惠券时,总计变为0。(因为优惠券价值为100,产品价格为100,因此它变为0)现在如果我在结帐页面上按结帐按钮,显示$ 0,税收也显示$ 0。

I want to apply tax once if I apply coupon and my tax should get calculated based on some amount that is $40(for example). 如果我申请优惠券,我想申请一次税,我的税应根据40美元(例如)的某个金额计算得出。 if I have created tax rule for state with amount 10% then my tax should calculated on $40*10/100 = $4 should tax added to total before clicking to checkout button. 如果我已经为州创建了金额为10%的税收规则,那么我的税金应按$ 40 * 10/100 = $ 4计税,应在单击结帐按钮之前将税金加到总计中。

Is anyone know in which observer I need to take look up for adding those conditions. 有谁知道我需要找哪个观察员来添加这些条件。

I have tried following things : I am observing following observer : 我尝试了以下操作:我正在观察以下观察者:


and following is my method code : 以下是我的方法代码:

public function updateTaxAfterDiscountApplied()
    $quote = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
    $coupon_code = $quote->getCouponCode();

        $coupon_rule_id = $quote->getAppliedRuleIds();
        echo 'rule id'.$coupon_rule_id;
        echo $coupon_code.'couponcode';
        $con = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read');
        $sale_rule_result = $con->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM salesrule where rule_id=".$coupon_rule_id);
        foreach($sale_rule_result as $rule){
            echo 'tax price'.$rule['tax_calculation_price'];

} }

in above method "tax_calculation_price" is my custom field which is used when I apply coupon and my grand total zero. 在上面的方法中,“ tax_calculation_price”是我的自定义字段,当我应用优惠券和总计为零时使用。 then I have this field which is used to calculate tax on based on tax calculation. 那么我有这个字段,用于基于税收计算来计算税收。 for example tax_calculation_price = 40 then and for suppose canada->ontario my tax rate is 12% then it should calculate 12% of 40 and add to grand total. 例如tax_calculation_price = 40然后,假设加拿大->安大略省,我的税率为12%,则应计算40的12%并加到总计中。 so how to fetch tax so that I can calculate it with tax_calculation_price. 因此如何提取税款,以便我可以使用tax_calculation_price进行计算。 ? any help appreciate. 任何帮助赞赏。

You can use this obeserver event 您可以使用此obeserver事件


Finally I got the answer of my question. 终于我得到了我问题的答案。 Here I am giving code to update tax after applying your coupon if total zero then also it will update tax. 在这里,我提供的代码是在应用优惠券后(如果总计为零)更新税款,那么它也会更新税款。 write below code in config.xml inside global node. 在全局节点内的config.xml中编写以下代码。


Created observer.php and added following method: 创建了observer.php,并添加了以下方法:

//Apply tax after discount even if grand total 0.
public function updateTaxAfterDiscountApplied()
    $billing_data = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost('billing', array());
    $shipping_data = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost('shipping', array());

    $quote = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
    $coupon_code = $quote->getCouponCode();

        $coupon_rule_id = $quote->getAppliedRuleIds();          
            $con = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read'); // fetching custom amount value to calculate with tax
            $sale_rule_result = $con->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM salesrule where rule_id=".$coupon_rule_id);
            foreach($sale_rule_result as $rule){
                $tax_calculation_based_on_price = $rule['tax_calculation_price'];               
        $country = $billing_data['country_id'];
        $region_id = $billing_data['region_id'];
        $TaxRequest  = new Varien_Object();
        $TaxRequest->setCountryId( $country );
        $TaxRequest->setRegionId( $region_id );
        //$TaxRequest->setPostcode( $postcode );
        $TaxRequest->setStore( Mage::app()->getStore() );

        $taxCalculationModel = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation');
        $rate = $taxCalculationModel->getRate($TaxRequest);
        $tax_percentage = (($tax_calculation_based_on_price * $rate)/100);
        foreach ($q->getAllAddresses() as $address) {
            $address->setGrandTotal($address->getGrandTotal() + $address->getTaxAmount());
            $address->setBaseGrandTotal($address->getBaseGrandTotal() + $address->getBaseTaxAmount());

for more information for Magento Events cheat-sheet follow below link: https://www.nicksays.co.uk/magento-events-cheat-sheet-1-8/ 有关Magento活动备忘单的更多信息,请点击以下链接: https : //www.nicksays.co.uk/magento-events-cheat-sheet-1-8/

Thank you! 谢谢!

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