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在Windows Phone 8.1上获取给定CivicAddress的坐标/地理位置

[英]Get Coordinates/Geopoint for given CivicAddress on Windows Phone 8.1

From eveywhere I've looked I found how to get the CivicAddress of a specific set of coordinates, like so (thanks @Romasz for the answer): 从Evey那里,我发现了如何获取一组特定坐标的CivicAddress ,就像这样(感谢@Romasz作为答案):

var geolocator = new Geolocator();
geolocator.DesiredAccuracyInMeters = 100;
Geoposition position = await geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync();

// reverse geocoding
BasicGeoposition myLocation = new BasicGeoposition {
     Longitude = position.Coordinate.Longitude,
     Latitude = position.Coordinate.Latitude

Geopoint pointToReverseGeocode = new Geopoint(myLocation);
MapLocationFinderResult result = await MapLocationFinder.FindLocationsAtAsync(pointToReverseGeocode);

string country = result.Locations[0].Address.Country;

However, I have the CivicAddress but I need to know it's coordinates. 但是,我有CivicAddress但我需要知道它的坐标。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

MapLocationFinderResult has some useful properties and you should be able to retrive the GeoPoint like this: MapLocationFinderResult具有一些有用的属性,您应该能够像这样检索GeoPoint

Geopoint point = result.Locations.FirstOrDefault().Point;

That's for the code from your question. 这是针对您问题中的代码的。 However if you want to find something depending on its name, then you can use MapLocationFinder.FindLocationsAsync : 但是,如果要根据名称来查找内容,则可以使用MapLocationFinder.FindLocationsAsync

MapLocationFinderResult result = await MapLocationFinder.FindLocationsAsync("Hospital", myGeopoint, maxResults);
Geopoint point = result.Locations.FirstOrDefault().Point;

GeoPoint in this method is used as a helper - there may be many 'Hospitals' in area and the method should return the nearest one. 此方法中的GeoPoint用作帮助程序-区域中可能有很多“医院”,并且该方法应返回最接近的“医院”。

EDIT - some more information: 编辑-一些更多信息:

If you don't want to provide any starting GeoPoint , then provide the default one: 如果您不想提供任何起始GeoPoint ,请提供默认值:

MapLocationFinderResult result = await MapLocationFinder.FindLocationsAsync("Lizbona", new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition()), 5);
var point = result.Locations.ToList();

Remember the results depend on what you put in the string, for the above example I get two results - one in Portugal with geoposition Lat = 38,72 Long = -9,15 and second in Poland with geoposition Lat = 52,67 Long = 16,48 (which statnds for town in Poland). 记住结果取决于您在字符串中输入的内容,对于上面的示例,我得到两个结果-一个在葡萄牙的地理Lat = 38,72 Long = -9,15 ,在波兰的地理Lat = 52,67 Long = 16,48 (代表波兰的城镇)。 Both exist and both are correct - it just depends on your input. 两者都存在并且都是正确的-这仅取决于您的输入。 On the other hand if I search for "Lizbon" - I will get only one result, if "Lisbon" - four results. 另一方面,如果我搜索"Lizbon" ,则只有一个结果;如果"Lisbon" ,则只会得到四个结果。 It probably will also depend on the user's language. 这也可能取决于用户的语言。

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