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[英]Can't parse string with JSON.parse

I have the following code that splits a string on the newline character and then calls JSON.parse on each line. 我有以下代码,该代码在换行符上拆分一个字符串,然后在每一行上调用JSON.parse

var lines = [];
var ks = data.split("\n");
}, this);
return lines;

The problem is after the split each line is like this 问题是分割后的每一行都是这样


However in order for JSON.parse to work my string needs to be surrounded my single quotes like 但是为了使JSON.parse工作,我的字符串需要用单引号引起来,例如


Is there a way to perform this conversion on each line? 有没有一种方法可以在每一行上执行此转换?

If the string is structured like this... 如果字符串的结构是这样的...


... then a quicker alternative to parsing each line as a separate JSON might be to do this: ...那么将每一行解析为一个单独的JSON的一种更快的替代方法可能是:

JSON.parse("["+data.replace(/^\n+|\n+$/g, "").replace(/\n+/g, ",")+"]");

Doing this replaces each sequence of newlines with a comma, and wraps the resulting line in an array literal, so you have a fresh new array to iterate through. 这样做用逗号替换了换行符的每个序列,并将结果行包装在数组文字中,因此您可以遍历新的新数组。 :) :)

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