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[英]How can I skip elements in Perl list assignment akin to Haskell pattern matching?

In Haskell (and various other functional programming languages), pattern matching can be used to assign specific elements of a list while discarding others: 在Haskell(和各种其他函数式编程语言)中, 模式匹配可用于分配列表的特定元素,同时丢弃其他元素:

Prelude> let [x, _, z] = "abc"
Prelude> x
Prelude> [z, x]

Note that ' _ ' is not a variable and hasn't been assigned anything: 请注意,' _ '不是变量,并且未分配任何内容:

Prelude> _

<interactive>:5:1: Pattern syntax in expression context: _

For an Irssi script, written in Perl, I want to do a similar thing and discard the 2 nd element of ' @_ ' (ie not assign it to anything): 对于用Perl编写的Irssi脚本,我想做类似的事情并丢弃' @_ '的第二个元素(即不将它分配给任何东西):

my ($message, _, $windowItem) = @_;

This fails with the error message: “ Can't declare constant item in "my" at [...]overlength_filter.pl line 17, near ") =" 这失败并显示错误消息:“ Can't declare constant item in "my" at [...]overlength_filter.pl line 17, near ") ="

So what is the Perl equivalent of this underscore wildcard? 那么这个下划线通配符的Perl等价物是什么?


my ($message, undef, $windowItem) = @_;


my( $message , $winItem ) = @_[ 0, 2];

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