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[英]Why am I getting Fatal error: in this php code?

Getting the following error. 出现以下错误。 Not sure why 不知道为什么

Fatal error: Call to undefined function reverse_list_recursively() 致命错误:调用未定义的函数reverse_list_recursively()


class ListNode {
    public $data;
    public $next;

    function __construct($data) {
        $this->data = $data;
        $this->next = NULL;

    function getData() {
        return $this->data;

class LinkList {

    // points to the first node
    private $head;

    // node count
    private $count;

    function __construct() {
        $this->head = NULL;
        $this->count = 0;

    // checks if the list is empty or not
    function is_empty() {
        return ($this->head == NULL);

    // inserts data at the beginning of the list
    public function insert_beg($data) {

        $link = new ListNode($data);
        $link->next = $this->head;
        $this->head = &$link;

    public function insert_last($data) {
        $current = $this->head;

        if($current == NULL) {

        } else {

            while($current->next != NULL) {
                $current = $current->next;
            $link = new ListNode($data);
            $current->next = &$link;
            $link->next = NULL;

    public function delete_first_node() {
        if($this->head != NULL) {
            if($this->head->next != NULL) {
                $this->head = $this->head->next;

    public function delete_last_node() {

        $current = $this->head;
        if($current != NULL) {

            $prev = $current;
            while($current->next != NULL) {
                $prev = $current;
                $current = $current->next;
            $current = $prev;
            $current->next = NULL;

    public function delete_node($data) {
        $current = $prev = $this->head;
        if ($current == NULL) {
        } else {
            while($current->data != $data && $current->next != NULL) {
                $prev = $current;
                $current = $current->next;
            if($current->data == $data) {
                $prev->next = $current->next;

    public function reverse_list_iteratively() {
        $current = $this->head;

        // if the list is empty or only one element in the list return
        if($current == NULL || $current->next == NULL) {
        } else {
            $next = $prev = NULL;
            while($current != NULL) {
                $next = $current->next;
                $current->next = $prev;
                $prev = $current;
                $current = $next;

            $this->head = $prev;

    public function reverse_list_recursively($current = NULL) {
        $current = $this->head;

        // base case when the current is empty
        if($current->next == NULL) {
            $this->head = $current;
            return $current;
        } else {
            $current->next->next = $current;
            $current->next = NULL;


    public function print_list() {
        $current = $this->head;
        echo "\nThe list is: ";
        while($current != NULL) {
            echo "$current->data" . " ";
            $current = $current->next;

    public function get_size() {
        return $this->count;

    $totalNodes = 10;

    $list = new LinkList();

    echo "Is list empty before adding nodes: ";
    echo "\n";

    for($i=1; $i <= $totalNodes; $i++) {

    echo "Is list empty after adding nodes: "; 
    var_export( $list->is_empty());
    echo "\n";

    echo "Size of the list: " .  $list->get_size();
    echo "\n";

    echo "List is: ";
    echo "\n";

    echo "Deleting first node: ";
    echo "\n";

    echo "Deleting last node: ";
    echo "\n";

    echo "Deleting node 6: ";
    echo "\n";

    echo "Reversing the list iteratively";
    echo "\n";

    echo "Reversing the list rec";
    echo "\n";


You can access same class function using $this keyword 您可以使用$this关键字访问相同的类函数

at line 131 replace 在131行替换




Explanation 说明

reverse_list_iteratively() is a class function(and its not static), so you need object to access this function, for same class you can access with $ this keyword reverse_list_iteratively()是一个类函数(并且它不是静态的),因此您需要对象来访问此函数,对于同一类,您可以使用$ this关键字进行访问

your call is done with no parameter: 您的通话没有参数:


and your definition takes 1 parameter: 并且您的定义采用1个参数:

public function reverse_list_recursively($current = NULL)

I am suspecting that this could be issue. 我怀疑这可能是问题。

in this case you have defined the function with an argument but you are passing nothing so it is finding the argument. 在这种情况下,您已经使用参数定义了函数,但是没有传递任何内容,因此它正在查找参数。 you can try this 你可以试试这个

echo "Reversing the list rec";
echo "\n";

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