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[英]Objective-C Block: return __block variable from block inside

OK, here is the code. 好的,这是代码。

NSObject* (^executableBlock)(void) = ^NSObject*() {
    __block NSObject *refObj = nil;

    [Utility performAction:^() {
         if (conditionA)
              refObj = fooA;
              refObj = fooB;

    return refObj;

NSObject *result = executableBlock();   // result is nil

After executing the executableBlock, the result is nil and performAction block didn't be executed immediately and returned my expected value. 执行了executeBlock之后,结果为nil,并且performAction块没有立即执行,并返回了我的期望值。

I know performAction block is executed within another thread and using the shared nil pointer refObj. 我知道performAction块是在另一个线程中执行的,并使用共享的nil指针refObj。 Refer to Working with Blocks . 请参阅使用块

Here is my through, if I use GCD to call the performAction block and wait for its finish, how to rewrite it? 这是我的贯穿过程,如果我使用GCD调用performAction块并等待其完成,该如何重写它? Thanks! 谢谢!

I would considering the following re-structure: 我会考虑以下重组:

    __block NSObject * result;
    void (^executableBlock)(NSObject *) =  ^void (NSObject * obj)
        [self performAnActionWithBlock:^(BOOL success)
            if (success) {
                result = obj;
                NSLog(@"results: %@", result);
               result = nil;



You should then be able to call result from elsewhere 然后,您应该可以从其他地方调用result

void (^executableBlock)(NSObject*) = ^(NSObject *arg) {

[Utility performAction:^(NSObject *arg) {
     if (conditionA)
          arg = fooA;
          arg = fooB;

}; };

__block NSObject *result = nil; __block NSObject * result = nil;

executableBlock(result); executableBlock(结果); // result will be changed in block //结果将在块中更改

By using semaphore, you can wait until a block is done. 通过使用信号量,您可以等到块完成为止。
But completion-block may be suitable in your case, i think. 但我认为,完成模块可能适合您的情况。

NSObject* (^executableBlock)(void) = ^NSObject*() {
    __block NSObject *refObj = nil;

    dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);

    [self performAction:^() {
        if (conditionA)
            refObj = fooA;
            refObj = fooB;


    dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);

    return refObj;

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