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不从ASP Classic中存储的proc中捕获返回值

[英]Not capturing return value from stored proc in asp classic

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to include all details. 抱歉,很长的帖子,但我想提供所有详细信息。

I have a JavaScript function using ajax that calls some asp code which in turn calls a stored procedure to simply check if a record already exists. 我有一个使用ajax的JavaScript函数,该函数调用一些asp代码,然后依次调用存储过程以简单地检查记录是否已存在。 If it does exist one image appears, if it doesn't exist a different image appears. 如果确实存在,则显示一幅图像,如果不存在,则显示另一幅图像。 For some reason I am unable to capture the results in my asp variable, it returns empty, which makes the call always returns false. 由于某种原因,我无法在我的asp变量中捕获结果,它返回空值,这使调用始终返回false。 I have tested the SQL procedure by itself and it works so the data is there. 我已经单独测试了SQL过程,它可以正常工作,因此数据就在那里。 Here is the code which will explain better. 这是将更好解释的代码。

Stored Proc: 存储过程:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UserName_Get] 
    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    @UserName nvarchar(50)
    ,@FacilityID INT
    ,@UserNameExists INT OUT

    SELECT @UserNameExists= ISNULL((SELECT UserID FROM MyTable WHERE FacilityID = @FacilityID AND Username = @UserName),0)


Classic ASP code: 经典的ASP代码:

<% Response.Buffer = True %>
<!-- #include file="../../_app_init.asp" -->

Dim action, p_UserName
action = SqlSanitizeStr(trim(request("action")))
'dim UserNameExists

If action = "CheckUserName" Then
    ' Check to see if this username already exists for this facility
    ' This is an Ajax routine to check if the username already exists at the current facility or not. Returns "False" if UserName does not exist.


    Set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = DB_CONN
    objCmd.CommandText = "UserName_Get"
    objCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("@UserName",        adLongVarChar,      adParamInput,   50        , p_UserName)
    objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("@FacilityID",      adInteger,      adParamInput,           ,   LOGIN_FACILITY_ID)
    objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("@UserNameExists",      adInteger,      adParamReturnValue)
    objCmd.Execute ,, adExecuteNoRecords
    UserNameExists = objCmd.Parameters("@UserNameExists").Value ' Get value of output parameter

    If UserNameExists>0 Then

        Response.Write ("True")

        Response.Write ("False")

    End If

End If


JavaScript Ajax Call JavaScript Ajax调用

<script type="text/javascript">

  function CheckUserName(UserName_element) {

    var UserName = UserName_element.value;
    var valid_UserName_image = document.getElementById('valid_UserName_image');
    var invalid_UserName_image = document.getElementById('invalid_UserName_image');

        data: { action: 'CheckUserName', p_UserName: UserName },
        type: 'GET',
        url: 'page_logic/_check_username_ajax.asp',
        success: function (result) {

            //Just to see what the return value is

            if (result == "True") {

                valid_UserName_image.style.display = "none";
                invalid_UserName_image.style.display = "inline";

            else {

                valid_UserName_image.style.display = "inline";
                invalid_UserName_image.style.display = "none";





I put in alert(result) to see what was being returned, it is always empty. 我输入了alert(result)以查看返回的内容,它始终为空。

If I change the stored proc to simply 如果我将存储的过程更改为简单

 SELECT @UserNameExists=0 or SELECT @UserNameExists=1

It will return a value, but of course that is hard coding the result and not actually getting records from the DB. 它将返回一个值,但是当然这是对结果进行硬编码,并且实际上没有从数据库获取记录。

The issue is the mix up between the use of OUTPUT and RETURN in stored procedures in SQL Server. 问题是在SQL Server的存储过程中使用OUTPUTRETURN之间的混淆。

To clear things up, your stored procedure is expecting an OUTPUT parameter instead of a RETURN value which is something different. 为了解决问题,您的存储过程需要一个OUTPUT参数而不是一个不同的RETURN值。

Try changing your output parameter statement to; 尝试将输出参数语句更改为;

objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("@UserNameExists", adInteger, adParamOutput)

For reference adParamReturnValue is used to return the value of the RETURN statement if used and is limited to INT values. 作为参考, adParamReturnValue用于返回RETURN语句的值(如果使用的话),并且限于INT值。

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