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[英]Can't find copy if newer button

I am learning how to use SFML.NET with Microsoft visual Studio 2014 with C# and I added the C# dll's found in the lib folder using add existing files on My solution. 我正在学习如何将SFML.NET与带有C#的Microsoft visual Studio 2014一起使用,并使用“我的解决方案”中的添加现有文件在lib文件夹中添加了C#dll。

I cannot however, find the copy if newer button in the dll's property anywhere. 但是,我无法在dll属性的任何位置找到copy if newer按钮)。

All the dll's say in there properties is the following: 那里的所有dll都是这样的:

Date created
Date modified
File Path
File size 
Read only

Use the context (right click) menu on the DLLs in Solution Explorer, select "Properties". 使用解决方案资源管理器中DLL的上下文(右键单击)菜单,选择“属性”。 The "Copy to output directory" field of the properties panel includes a "Copy if newer" value. 属性面板的“复制到输出目录”字段包含“如果更新则复制”值。

If you are using .net core, you can manually edit the .csproj file, and add something like this: 如果您使用的是.net core,则可以手动编辑.csproj文件,并添加如下内容:

    <None Update="FileIWantToCopy.txt">

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