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如何从其他数组获取php foreach值?

[英]How to get in php foreach value from other array?

I get images in a array then i read it with a foreach this are images, but how can i get also image text, my example is here: 我得到数组中的图像,然后用foreach读取它,这是图像,但是如何获取图像文本,我的示例在这里:

    $slideImages = array('image/path/image1', 'image/path/image2', 'image/path/image13');
    $slideText = array('image text 1', 'image text 2', 'image text 3');

    if($slideImages) :
        echo '<ul>';

        foreach($slideImages as $slideImage) :
                <div>IMAGE TEXT</div>
                <img src="<?php echo $slideImage; ?>" />

        echo '</ul>';


I need to embed also image text from the true position, i know how to do it with for but so is not efficient... it's something like this possible? 我还需要从真实位置嵌入图像文本,我知道该怎么做但是效率不高……可能是这样吗?

Assuming the keys are the same, use the $key in the foreach: 假设密钥相同,请在foreach中使用$key

foreach($slideImages as $key => $slideImage) :
                <div>IMAGE TEXT</div>
                <img src="<?php echo $slideImage; ?>" />
                <?php echo $slideText[$key]; ?>

You could also change the way you store the info and keep them in one multidimensional array. 您还可以更改存储信息的方式,并将其保存在一个多维数组中。

$slides = array( 
    array( image => "image/path/image1", text => "image text 1"),
    array( image => "image/path/image2", text => "image text 2"),
    array( image => "image/path/image3", text => "image text 3")

Then you would iterate through the $slides array and just pull out the image and text for each: 然后,您将遍历$ slides数组,并仅提取每个图像和文本:

foreach($slides as $slide)
            echo "Text:".$slide["text"];
            echo "Image Path:".$slide["image"];

This organizes your code a little better so you don't wind up with something crazy going on should your two arrays wind up out of sync. 这样可以更好地组织代码,因此,如果两个阵列不同步,就不会发生疯狂的事情。

simplified example: 简化示例:

 foreach($slideImages as $key=>$var){

echo $var;
echo $slideText[$key];

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