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[英]payment gateway integration for android app of magento site

I am developing android app for my magento site. 我正在为我的magento网站开发android应用。 I am using REST api. 我正在使用REST API。 I did upto cart page using rest. 我做了剩下的购物车页面。 Payment and order related things integration is challenging for me , since we need more secured and careful module development.I am blank now. 由于我们需要更安全,更仔细的模块开发,因此与付款和订单相关的东西集成对我来说是具有挑战性的。 Kindly explain the workflow how to do it along with the things i have to keep in mind. 请解释一下工作流程以及我必须牢记的事情。

For answering this properly, you should provide more information about what problem you are facing and what workflow you are fallowing 为了正确回答这个问题,您应该提供有关所面临的问题和休假工作流的更多信息。

Anyways, In cart you must be having all the product and their total price sum. 无论如何,在购物车中,您必须拥有所有产品及其总价格。 What you can do is you can pass all the information to the payment getway. 您可以做的是将所有信息传递给付款方式。 CCAvanue is a batter option to implement getway. CCAvanue是实现getway的一个不错的选择。 They have awesome support. 他们有很棒的支持。 I have written a post here explaing how to integrate CCAvanue. 在这里写了一篇文章,解释了如何集成CCAvanue。

After transaction you will be notified by the getway in terms of Successful or failure transaction. 交易后,将根据成功或失败交易通知您。 If you get a success status you can call the magento web-service to update the database and also you can send email to admin and customer in worker thread. 如果您获得成功状态,则可以调用magento Web服务来更新数据库,也可以通过工作线程向管理员和客户发送电子邮件。 And show status of their transaction on a screen 并在屏幕上显示其交易状态

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