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[英]How can I create registration form and how can I get what the users filled in that form in my FB app

I have created one app in facebook (using facebook canvas). 我已经在Facebook中创建了一个应用程序(使用Facebook画布)。 It is working properly, but I want to know, how can I put a registration form with some fields??? 它工作正常,但是我想知道,如何在某些字段中填写注册表???

I have written the code for form, 我已经为表格编写了代码,

<form action="../form/fbform.php" method="post">
My Name
<input maxlength="50" name="name" type="text" value="" />
My Email 
<input maxlength="50" name="email" type="text" value="" />
I Work for
<input maxlength="50" name="cmpny" type="text" value="" />
My Friend
<input maxlength="50" name="frdname" type="text" value="" />
My Friend's Email
<input maxlength="50" name="frdemail" type="text" value="" />

<input name="try" type="submit" value="Submit" />

That is the code for my form, but after submission it showing blank page. 那是我表单的代码,但是提交后显示空白页。

In action I have written fbform.php, In that file, I have the written the sql code to insert these form details into my website database. 在实际操作中,我编写了fbform.php。在该文件中,我编写了sql代码以将这些表单详细信息插入我的网站数据库。 and also I have written redirect url to my app. 而且我已经将重定向网址写入了我的应用。 but it's not working. 但它不起作用。

How can put the registration form in my app and how can I get those details (what users filled in those fields) in my website database or some excel sheet?? 如何在我的应用程序中放置注册表格,以及如何在我的网站数据库或某些excel工作表中获取这些详细信息(用户填写了哪些字段)?

I think you need to see the fbml tags to post your data to your desired web page and try the GET method and use the session object of the facebook to retrieve your details . 我认为您需要查看fbml标记才能将数据发布到所需的网页,并尝试使用GET方法并使用facebook的session对象检索您的详细信息。

<form action="../form/fbform.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="test1"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="fb_sig_session_key" value=”<?php $_GET[‘fb_sig_session_key’]”></input>
<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value=”<?php $_GET[‘user_id’]”></input>
<input type="submit" name="Submit"/>

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