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[英]Database query failedYou have an error in your SQL syntax;

here is the Error Database query failedYou have an error in your SQL syntax; 这是错误数据库查询失败您的SQL语法有错误; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' )' at line 4.. 请查看与您的MySQL服务器版本相对应的手册,以找到在第4行“”附近使用的正确语法。

im so tired to fixed this error and i dont know what should i do.. 我很累解决这个错误,我不知道该怎么办。

<form id="packageLessonType" method="post">
<table id="listpackage" class="table table-condensed table-hover">
<tbody id="responsePackage">
<tr id="pack_1">
<td>1 Month Unlimited</td>
<td id="td-" class="center">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="package[]">
<tr id="pack_2">
<td>6 Lessons</td>
<td id="td-" class="center">
<input type="checkbox" value="2" name="package[]">
<tr id="pack_3">
<td>6 Months Unlimited</td>
<td id="td-" class="center">
<input type="checkbox" value="3" name="package[]">
<tr id="pack_4">
<td>12 Months Unlimited</td>
<td id="td-" class="center">
<input type="checkbox" value="4" name="package[]">
<tr id="pack_5">
<td>Group of 4</td>
<td id="td-" class="center">
<input type="checkbox" value="5" name="package[]">
<tr id="pack_6">
<td>Group of 8 </td>
<td id="td-" class="center">
<input type="checkbox" value="6" name="package[]">

Ajax Script Ajax脚本

        var clickedIdadded = this.id.split('_');
        var addedId = clickedIdadded[1];
        var addedPackageLesson = "&lessonPackageAdded="+addedId;
        var addLesPackCheck = $('#packageLessonType').serialize();
        var submitData = addLesPackCheck+addedPackageLesson;

            url:"<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/includes/response_lessons_packages.php",
            success: function(response){

            error: function(xhr, ajaxOtions, thrownError){




            $checkBox= $_POST['package'];
            $idToBeAdded = $_POST['lessonPackageAdded'];

            foreach($checkBox as $value){
                $queryAdd = "INSERT INTO packagebylessontype (packageid)VALUE({$value}) WHERE lessontypeid = {$idToBeAdded}";
                $addedLessonByPackage = mysql_query($queryAdd, $connection);

                echo "You've successfuly deleted your Package..";
                header('HTTP/1.1 500 Looks like mysql error, could not insert record!');



Error: 错误:

Database query failedYou have an error in your SQL syntax; 数据库查询失败您的SQL语法有误; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' )' at line 4 检查与您的MySQL服务器版本相对应的手册以在第4行的')'附近使用正确的语法

You have a syntax error - instead of VALUE type VALUES. 您有语法错误-而不是VALUE类型VALUES。

Also you are not properly escaping your sql params thus leading yourself open to sql injections. 另外,您没有正确地转义sql参数,从而导致自己无法使用sql注入。

You cannot use INSERT statement with WHERE clause in a simple query. 您不能在简单查询中将INSERT语句与WHERE子句一起使用。 An INSERT will create a new row with his own field lessontypeid. INSERT将使用他自己的字段lessontypeid创建一个新行。 Maybe you are trying to perform an update. 也许您正在尝试执行更新。

If you want to make an insert, the correct way would be: 如果要插入,正确的方法是:

INSERT INTO packagebylessontype (packageid) VALUES ('A')

If you want to perform an update, then: 如果要执行更新,则:

UPDATE packagebylessontype SET packageid = 'A' WHERE lessontypeid ='1'

Please note that I'm using WHERE clause only in UPDATE operation, as a reference to locate register to be updated. 请注意,我仅在UPDATE操作中使用WHERE子句,作为查找要更新的寄存器的参考。


尝试使用VALUES而不是VALUE $ queryAdd =“插入到packagebylessontype(packageid) VALUES ({$ value})WHERE lessontypeid = {$ idToBeAdded}”中;“

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