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Excel VBA用于带有相对单元格引用的循环公式

[英]Excel VBA for loop formula with relative cell reference

I am trying to start in cell "B2", put in a formula that takes the cell to the left of "B2", which is "A2", multiplied by a number on another sheet.. 我试图从“ B2”单元格开始,输入一个公式,该单元格将“ B2”左侧的单元格即“ A2”乘以另一张纸上的数字。

My problem is...how do I reference the cell to the left? 我的问题是...如何引用左侧的单元格? And also, how do I reference the cell on the other sheet? 而且,如何引用另一张纸上的单元格? I am pretty sure it will be the same answer, but I can't figure it out.. 我很确定这将是相同的答案,但我无法弄清楚。

Sub RelFormula()

For Col = 1 To 2
    For Row = 2 To 6
        Cells(Row, Col).Formula = "=" & Cells.Offset(0, -1).Value & "*" worksheets("output").range("A1")
    Next Row
Next Col

End Sub

You do not need the offset , you can just -1 from the column argument of Cells . 您不需要offset ,只需从Cells的列参数开始就-1。 You also missed off the row and column argument of Cells used in the formula, the final & , as comments pointed out. 正如注释所指出的,您还错过了公式中使用的Cells的行和列参数,最后一个&

Also, its a really bad idea using keywords, or reserved words as variables. 而且,使用关键字或保留字作为变量是一个非常糟糕的主意。 Some names are protected, and VBA will simply not compile/run if certain words are used as variables names - but for things like "Row", which are used in other places in VBA...it is asking for trouble (ie not recommended/bad practice, etc), and will be confusing to read/debug, etc. 有些名称受到保护,如果将某些单词用作变量名,则VBA根本不会编译/运行-但对于诸如“行”之类的东西(在VBA中的其他地方使用的话)……这很麻烦(即不建议使用/不良做法等),并且会造成读取/调试等混乱。

Also, consider using Option Explicit (if you are not already) at the top of any code module. 另外,请考虑在任何代码模块的顶部使用Option Explicit (如果尚未使用)。 This will make VBA complain/stop if you do not define all of your variables. 如果您未定义所有变量,这将使VBA抱怨/停止。 It can be frustrating for beginners - but it is worth it in the long run. 对于初学者来说,这可能令人沮丧-但从长远来看,这是值得的。

I've rewritten your code, superficially, renaming and defining variables. 我已经从表面上重写了您的代码,重命名和定义了变量。 Technically you do not need the double (outer) loop ( c_loop takes just one value): 从技术上讲,您不需要双(外)循环( c_loop仅取一个值):

Sub RelFormula()

Dim r_loop, c_loop As Integer

For c_loop = 2 To 2

    For r_loop = 2 To 6

        Cells(r_loop, c_loop).Formula = "=" & Cells(r_loop, c_loop - 1).Value _
        & "*" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value

    Next r_loop

Next c_loop

End Sub

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