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[英]“substring not found” even though it's included in the argument passed on the command line

I can't figure out why this is happening, so any help is appreciated. 我无法弄清楚为什么会发生这种情况,因此可以提供任何帮助。


import httplib, urlparse, sys, urllib

url = sys.argv[1]

print url
print url.index("token")
print url.index("&user")

Then in ubuntu if I try to run something like: 然后在ubuntu中,如果我尝试运行以下命令:

python hi.py http://somewebsite.com/api?token=hello_world&user=myself

I get this as output: 我得到这个作为输出:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "hi.py", line 10, in <module>
    print url.index("&user")
ValueError: substring not found

For some reason the whole URL is not being printed, and I suspect that's why the &user substring is not found. 由于某种原因,没有打印出整个URL,我怀疑这就是为什么未找到&user子字符串的原因。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

& is a shell meta character, which puts the command in the background . &是一个外壳元字符, 它将命令放在后台 You need to quote your argument to prevent the & character from being interpreted as such: 您需要引用参数以防止&字符被解释为:

python hi.py "http://somewebsite.com/api?token=hello_world&user=myself"

or use a \\ backslash to escape just the ampersand: 或使用\\反斜杠以仅跳过&符:

python hi.py http://somewebsite.com/api?token=hello_world\&user=myself

otherwise the shell sees this as two separate commands, with user=myself by coincidence being valid shell syntax. 否则,shell将其视为两个单独的命令,其中user=myself是巧合的有效shell语法。

Any of the following characters are special in a shell : 以下任何字符在shell中都是特殊的

 \ ' " ` < > | ; <Space> <Tab> <Newline> ( ) [ ] ? # $ ^ & * =

These need to be escaped in the same way; 这些需要以相同的方式进行逃避; the ? ? happens to work for the URL since no filenames are being matched; 由于没有匹配的文件名,因此碰巧适用于该URL; had you used hi.p? 您使用过hi.p? the filename hi.py would be substituted. 文件名hi.py将被替换。 The = only needs escaping when the left-hand side is a valid shell variable identifier I think, but to be safe I'd stick with quoting the whole URL. =仅当左侧是我认为有效的外壳变量标识符时才需要转义,但为安全起见,我坚持引用整个URL。

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