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[英]Keep selected div centered when zooming

I have this HTML code: 我有这个HTML代码:

<div class="inner">
    <div class="nhood">
        <div class="image"></div>

And this CSS: 而这个CSS:

.image {
    width: 4000px;
    height: 4000px;
    background: beige;
    margin: 150px;
    position: absolute;

.nhood {
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: relative;
    background: black;

The .image div is filled with 400 divs, all floating left, creating a huge 'chess'-pattern, the code is the following: .image div填充了400个div,所有div都向左浮动,创建了一个巨大的“棋”图案,代码如下:

.image > div {
    border: 1px dotted;
    width: 5%;
    height: 5%;
    float: left;
    text-indent: 100%;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;
    user-select: none;

You are able to click on any cell to show its info, and the whole .image div is draggable. 您可以单击任何单元格以显示其信息,并且整个.image div是可拖动的。 Now if you have selected a cell and you ZOOM (which basically only shrinks/extends the 4000x4000 div to 2000x2000 or the other way round) it zooms in ANYWHERE but I want to keep focus on the cell that was selected earlier. 现在,如果您选择了一个单元格,并且您将ZOOM(基本上仅将4000x4000 div缩小/扩展到2000x2000或反之),它会在任何地方放大,但我想继续关注之前选择的单元格。

I have made an image of this: http://smimoo.lima-city.de/zoom.png 我对此做了一个图像: http : //smimoo.lima-city.de/zoom.png

I hope this was any clear... 我希望这很清楚...

EDIT: 编辑:


    function zoomIn() {
                    height: '4000',
                    width: '4000',
                    borderWidth: 0
                }, 600, function() {
                        borderWidth: 0

    function zoomOut() {
                height: '2000',
                width: '2000',
                borderWidth: 0
            }, 600, function() {
                    borderWidth: 1


This is my js to center the function (written before Mario helped me out): 这是我的使函数居中的js(在Mario帮助我之前编写):

function centerField() {
        var myObject = $(draggable).find('.selected');

        var docWidth = ($(viewport).width() / 2) - (myObject.outerWidth()/2);
        var docHeight = ($(viewport).height() / 2) - (myObject.outerWidth()/4);

        var myOff = myObject.offset();
        var distanceTop = myOff.top - docHeight;
        var distanceLeft = myOff.left - docWidth;

        var position = $(draggable).position();
        var left = position.left;
        var top = position.top;
        var right = left - $(viewport).width() + draggable.outerWidth(true);
        var bottom = top - $(viewport).height() + draggable.outerHeight(true);

        if(left - distanceLeft > 0) {
            distanceLeft = left;

        if(right - distanceLeft < 0) {
            distanceLeft = right;

        if(top - distanceTop > 0) {
            distanceTop = top;

        if(bottom - distanceTop < 0) {
            distanceTop = bottom;

            left: '-=' + distanceLeft,
            top: '-=' + distanceTop
        }, { duration: 200, queue: false });


Assume that the selected div has the class .selected , this function will center the div: 假设选定的div具有.selected类,则此函数将div居中:

function centerSelected() {
    var selectedElement =  $('.image .selected');
    var p = selectedElement.position();

    var w = $('.nhood').width();
    var h = $('.nhood').height();

    var offsetX = (w/2)-p.left - (selectedElement.width() / 2);
    var offsetY = (h/2)-p.top - (selectedElement.height() / 2);

    if(offsetX > 0) offsetX = 0;
    if(offsetY > 0) offsetY = 0;

    $('.image').css('left', offsetX + 'px');
    $('.image').css('top', offsetY + 'px');

Just call centerSelected after every zoom operation. 只需致电centerSelected在每次缩放操作后选择。

Here is a jsfiddle with slightly modified css to get the presentation work: http://jsfiddle.net/q1r95w3g/3/ 这是一个经过略微修改的jsf的jsfiddle,可以完成演示工作: http : //jsfiddle.net/q1r95w3g/3/

Edit If you want the div to get centered during jQuery animation, you can call centerSelected in the step callback of the animate method, eg: 编辑如果希望div在jQuery动画期间居中,则可以在animate方法的step回调中调用centerSelected ,例如:

function zoomIn() {
      height: '4000',
      width: '4000',
      borderWidth: 0
      duration: 600,
      complete: function() {
          borderWidth: 0
      step: function(now, fx) {

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