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不允许使用Spring Data Neo4j嵌入式远程Shell连接

[英]Spring data neo4j embedded remote shell connection not allowed

I am trying to connect embedded server but always getting 我正在尝试连接嵌入式服务器,但总是

Caused by: java.io.IOException: Unable to lock org.neo4j.kernel.impl.nioneo.store.StoreFileChannel@5ceccc52

This is my configuration file. 这是我的配置文件。

public class Neo4jConfig extends Neo4jConfiguration {

public static final Setting<Boolean> remote_shell_enabled = Settings.setting("remote_shell_enabled", Settings.BOOLEAN, Settings.TRUE);
public static final Setting<Boolean> enable_remote_shell = Settings.setting("enable_remote_shell", Settings.BOOLEAN, Settings.TRUE);
public Neo4jConfig() {
    setBasePackage("com.repo", "com.model");

GraphDatabaseService graphDatabaseService() {
    return new GraphDatabaseFactory()
            .setConfig(enable_remote_shell, "true")


How are you trying to connect the shell? 您如何尝试连接外壳?

Just do: 做就是了:


No -path parameter !! 没有 -path参数! As then you would start a new database on the same directory. 然后,您将在同一目录上启动一个新数据库。

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