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NASM mov从寄存器到内存

[英]NASM mov from register to memory

I know there are lots of references out there talking about NASM and mov but either I'm missing something fundamental or people need to write better help guides! 我知道有很多关于NASM和mov的参考资料,但是我缺少基本知识,或者人们需要编写更好的帮助指南!

    fmtStart:       db "Enter two numbers in format '# #'", 10, 0
    fmtTest:        db "sum: %d", 10, 0
    input:          db "%d %d", 0
SECTION .bss                ; BSS, uninitialized variables
    int1:       resd 1
    int2:       resd 1
    sum:        resd 1
SECTION .text               ; Code section.
    global main             ; the standard gcc entry point
    main:                   ; the program label for the entry point
    push ebp            ; set up stack frame
    mov ebp,esp

    ;; Get the data
    push dword fmtStart
    call printf
    add esp, 4

    push dword int2
    push dword int1
    push dword input
    call scanf
    add esp, 12

        ;; Do calculations
        ;; Add
            xor eax, eax
            mov eax, [int1]
            add eax, [int2]
            mov [sum], eax
        push dword sum
        push dword fmtTest
        call printf
        add esp, 24

    mov esp, ebp    ; take down stack frame
    pop ebp         ; same as "leave" op

    mov eax,0       ; normal, no error, return value
    ret                 ; return

I get: 我得到:

Enter two numbers in format '# #' 输入格式为“##”的两个数字

2 3 2 3

sum: 4247592 总和:4247592

which isn't what I get when I add 2 and 3 with my calculator, maybe that's just me though. 当我在计算器上加上2和3时,这不是我得到的,也许只是我一个人。

my understanding of the code is as follows: the data section declares variables that are initialized to stuff, in this case my formatted strings; 我对代码的理解如下:数据部分声明了初始化为填充的变量,在这种情况下为格式化的字符串; the bss section is for uninitialized variables, in this case my input vars and the sum var; bss部分用于未初始化的变量,在这种情况下,我的输入变量是var和sum变量; the text section is where the code goes; 文本部分是代码所在的位置; I declare main as the entry point for gcc; 我声明main为gcc的入口点; I prompt the user for two numbers; 我提示用户输入两个数字。 I zero out eax with the xor; 我把异或归零。 move the value of int1 to eax; 将int1的值移至eax; add the value of int2 to eax; 将int2的值添加到eax; move what's in eax to be the value of sum; 将eax中的内容移动为sum的值; push it onto the stack with the formatted string; 用格式化的字符串将其压入堆栈; call printf to display stuff; 调用printf显示内容; end the program. 结束程序。

--EDIT-- - 编辑 -

To be clear, either add isn't working or mov isn't working. 需要明确的是,要么add不起作用,要么mov不起作用。 It seems like add should be working so I'm assuming it's mov. 看来add应该能正常工作,所以我假设它是移动的。 I don't understand what about mov [var], register would be wrong but obviously something isn't right! 我不了解mov [var], register会出错,但显然有些错误!

Here's the problem: 这是问题所在:

    push dword sum
    push dword fmtTest
    call printf

printf , unlike scanf , takes its arguments (after the format) by value, while in your code sum is the address of the memory location. scanf不同, printf通过值取其参数(在格式之后),而在代码中sum是内存位置的地址 Just do: 做就是了:

    push [sum]
    push fmtTest
    call printf

(incidentally, the xor eax,eax before the mov eax,[int1] is useless, since you are immediately rewriting the content of the register) (顺便说一句, xor eax,eax mov eax,[int1]之前的mov eax,[int1]没用,因为您将立即重写寄存器的内容)

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