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无法在Visual Studio 2013和IE 11中调试JavaScript

[英]unable to debug javascript in visual studio 2013 and IE 11

Here is my javascript file yogaspace.js 这是我的JavaScript文件Yogaspace.js

var input = document.getElementById('location');
var options = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: { country: "us" }
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
var result = autocomplete.getPlace();

this is the whole file and it is being called in the index.cshtml file at the bottom of the view like this. 这是整个文件,并在视图底部的index.cshtml文件中像这样被调用。


and the js is a bundle that has the yogaspace.js file in it. 并且js是其中包含Yogaspace.js文件的捆绑软件。 The script gets used and the autocomplete feature works fine but the breakpoint at "debugger" never gets triggered. 使用了脚本,并且自动完成功能运行良好,但从未触发过“调试器”处的断点。 I also tried setting a breakpoint but that doesn't work as well. 我也尝试设置一个断点,但效果不佳。 Any help! 任何帮助! I read in other posts that VS has some problems with javascript debugging but it says that adding debugger; 我在其他文章中读到VS在JavaScript调试方面存在一些问题,但它说添加调试器; will always work. 将始终有效。

VS 2013, MVC 5, Razar View Engine, IE 11 VS 2013,MVC 5,Razar View Engine,IE 11

I had to set this value to false in the BundleConfig.cs file. 我必须在BundleConfig.cs文件中将此值设置为false。

BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;

Now debugging with breakpoints works! 现在可以使用断点进行调试了!

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