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[英]Deserializing fields with different names to the same field with GSON

I'm working to deserialize World Weather Online API results with localizations. 我正在努力通过本地化反序列化World Weather Online API结果。

the localization data returned as a lang-{locale} block depending by the given language (WWO supports ~40 languages: 根据给定语言而以lang-{locale}块形式返回的本地化数据(WWO支持约40种语言:

 "hourly": [


              "chanceoffog": "0",

              "chanceoffrost": "0",

              "chanceofhightemp": "0",

              "chanceofovercast": "63",

              "chanceofrain": "3",

              "chanceofremdry": "0",

              "chanceofsnow": "0",

              "chanceofsunshine": "0",

              "chanceofthunder": "0",

              "chanceofwindy": "0",

              "cloudcover": "88",

              "DewPointC": "1",

              "DewPointF": "34",

              "FeelsLikeC": "4",

              "FeelsLikeF": "39",

              "HeatIndexC": "7",

              "HeatIndexF": "44",

              "humidity": "67",

              "lang_ru": [


                    "value": "Пасмурно"



              "precipMM": "0.0",

              "pressure": "1033",

              "tempC": "7",

              "tempF": "44",

              "time": "24",

              "visibility": "10",

              "weatherCode": "122",

              "weatherDesc": [


                    "value": "Overcast"



              "weatherIconUrl": [


                    "value": "http://cdn.worldweatheronline.net/images/wsymbols01_png_64/wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud.png"



              "WindChillC": "4",

              "WindChillF": "39",

              "winddir16Point": "WNW",

              "winddirDegree": "294",

              "WindGustKmph": "17",

              "WindGustMiles": "11",

              "windspeedKmph": "14",

              "windspeedMiles": "9"



It also can be lang_es , lang_fr etc.. 也可以是lang_eslang_fr等。

I need to deserialize it to one field with the string inside regardless of the language given. 无论给定哪种语言,我都需要使用字符串将其反序列化为一个字段。

One ugly solution I thought about is adding 40 fields according to the languages and checking if the relevant is not null. 我想到的一个难看的解决方案是根据语言添加40个字段,并检查相关字段是否不为null。

The other quite ugly solution is writing a full custom deserializer for hourly, but hourly has loads of (over 30) simple string fields so writing a custom deserializer for it seems inefficient and against the simplicity of GSON. 另一个非常丑陋的解决方案是每小时编写一个完整的自定义解串器,但是每小时每小时有(超过30个)简单字符串字段的负载,因此编写自定义解串器似乎效率低下并且与GSON的简单性背道而驰。

Is there any better neat and simple solution to write a custom deserializer only for the lang objects and allow GSON to automatically deserialize the rest of the data? 有没有更好,更简单的解决方案来编写仅用于lang对象的自定义反序列化器,并允许GSON自动反序列化其余数据?

I had a similar problem where a user object can have id, userId or user_id, this is how I managed to map all three of them to id. 我有一个类似的问题,即用户对象可以具有id,userId或user_id,这就是我设法将它们全部三个映射到id的方式。

public class UserDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<User> {

public User deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {

    try {
        User user = new GsonBuilder().create().fromJson(json, User.class);
        if (user.id == null) {
            JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonElement userId = jsonObject.get("userid");

            if (userId != null) {
                user.id = userId.getAsString();
                return user;
            JsonElement user_id = jsonObject.get("user_id");
            if (user_id != null) {
                user.id = user_id.getAsString();
                return user;
        return user;
    } catch (JsonParseException ex) {
        throw ex;

} }

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