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[英]Adding objects during run time?

Background 背景

I have a tab which is made active if there is more than one record returned from a query on my database. 我有一个选项卡,如果我的数据库中的查询返回了多个记录,该选项卡将变为活动状态。

For each record returned I would like a set of labels created and placed on the tab. 对于返回的每条记录,我希望创建一组标签并将其放置在选项卡上。 For example if there are 8 records I would like 8 labels created. 例如,如果有8条记录,我希望创建8个标签。


  1. My loop only creates one label, even though my count is showing I have 8 records? 即使计数显示我有8条记录,我的循环也只会创建一个标签? Not sure why? 不知道为什么吗?

  2. How do you create labels in a loop 8 times and not have them draw in the same location 8 times? 如何在循环中创建标签8次而又不在同一位置绘制8次? I would them to appear in a horizontal list. 我希望他们出现在水平列表中。 Pretty sure the way I have coded the solution ,they will all be drawn in the same place? 我很确定我编写解决方案的方式,它们都将在同一位置绘制吗?


for (int i = 1; i <= rowCount; i++)
    // Create objects 
    LinkLabel Linklabel1 = new LinkLabel();
    Linklabel1.Text += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["code"].ToString();
    Linklabel1.Location = new Point(10, 50);
    Linklabel1.Height = 40;
    Linklabel1.Width = 100;

Try something like this out: 尝试这样的事情:

        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
            // Create objects 
            LinkLabel Linklabel1 = new LinkLabel();
            Linklabel1.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["code"].ToString();
            Linklabel1.Height = 40;
            Linklabel1.Width = 100;
            Linklabel1.Location = new Point((i + 1) * 10 + (i * Linklabel1.Width), 50);

If you don't want to explicitly position them by setting the Location() property, consider putting a FlowLayoutPanel on the TabPage and added the controls to that instead. 如果您不想通过设置Location()属性来显式定位它们,请考虑将FlowLayoutPanel放在TabPage上,然后向其中添加控件。 Then they will positioned automatically for you. 然后他们会自动为您定位。

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