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[英]Angular form checkbox default value

I've been trying to grab hold of the Angular forms applying best practices for form validations, that forced me to use the form name and have all of the models as children of it so that I can bind the formname.$valid and all the other stuff. 我一直在尝试使用Angular表单,将最佳实践应用于表单验证,这迫使我使用表单名称并将所有模型都作为它的子代,以便我可以绑定formname。$ valid和所有其他的东西。

However I haven't been able to set predefined values to any of the form sub models as I have no access to them in the controller. 但是我无法为任何表单子模型设置预定义的值,因为我无法在控制器中访问它们。

My biggest problem right now is how to check for falsy checkboxes because initially the checkbox is unchecked but there is no value, it only gets populated when clicked to change the value. 我现在最大的问题是如何检查伪造的复选框,因为最初该复选框未选中,但是没有任何值,只有在单击以更改值时才填充该复选框。

Here is my form code 这是我的表格代码

  <form name="addAppForm" ng-if="creatingApp == false">

      <input type="text" placeholder="App Name" required autofocus ng-model="addAppForm.appName">

      <input icheck id="ios" type="checkbox" ng-init="addAppForm.iOS = false" ng-model="addAppForm.iOS">
       <label for="ios"><i class="icon-apple"></i> iOS {{addAppForm.iOS}}</label>

       <input icheck id="android" type="checkbox" ng-init="addAppForm.android = false" ng-model="addAppForm.android">
       <label for="android"><i class="icon-android"></i> Android {{addAppForm.android}}</label>

    <button ng-disabled="addAppForm.$invalid && (addAppForm.iOS != true && addAppForm.android != true)" type="submit" ng-click="addNewApp(addAppForm.iOS, addAppForm.android, addAppForm.appName)" class="button front-primary large radius expand">Let's GO!</button>


The "required" directive doesn't apply to the checkboxes and I've tried initializing the model but with no luck. “必需”指令不适用于复选框,并且我尝试初始化模型,但是没有运气。

When you add a named form like that, it is added to your controller's scope. 当您添加这样的命名表单时,它将被添加到控制器的作用域中。 You can access it inside the controller using the name, similar to in the HTML: 您可以使用名称在控制器内部访问它,类似于HTML:


This should evaluate to true/false any time after the form has been set up, even if it hasn't been clicked yet. 设置表单后的任何时间,即使尚未单击它,其结果也应为true / false。

Edit: Fiddle where form is accessed in the controller. 编辑:在控制器中访问表格的地方进行修饰

I've figured out what's wrong with my code, the ng-init actually works, I just mixed up the operators here -->> ng-disabled="addAppForm.$invalid && (addAppForm.iOS != true && addAppForm.android != true)" 我已经弄清楚了我的代码出了什么问题,ng-init实际上有效,我只是在这里混合了运算符->> ng-disabled="addAppForm.$invalid && (addAppForm.iOS != true && addAppForm.android != true)"

Should have been ng-disabled="addAppForm.$invalid || (addAppForm.iOS != true && addAppForm.android != true)" 应该是ng-disabled="addAppForm.$invalid || (addAppForm.iOS != true && addAppForm.android != true)"

Still the problem persists of not being able to access the form from the controller not even in the same view outside of the form. 仍然存在问题,即使在表单外部的同一视图中也无法从控制器访问表单。

I still don't understand why u have to save your data in the Formcontroller u can use a object ( here i call it 'model' ) and put all your form values inside. 我仍然不明白为什么您必须将您的数据保存在Formcontroller中,您可以使用一个对象(在这里我称之为“模型”)并将所有表单值放入其中。 Your Formcontroller object ( 'addAppForm' ) has functionality and saves validation errors see here : https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/form.FormController This object is added to the scope of your Controller late in the initialisation of your Controller 您的Formcontroller对象('addAppForm')具有功能并保存验证错误,请参见此处: https ://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/form.FormController该对象在初始化后期被添加到Controller的范围内您的控制器

see: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/form 请参阅: https//docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/form

Directive that instantiates FormController.

If the name attribute is specified, the form controller is published onto the current scope under this name.

Here is the way to have the form invalid if not at least one checkbox is selected 如果没有至少选中一个复选框,这是使表格无效的方法

 var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []); myApp.controller("myController1", function($scope) { $scope.model = { "ios": false, "android": false }; }); 
 <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController1"> <form name="addAppForm"> <input type="text" placeholder="App Name" required autofocus ng-model="model.appName" /> <input id="ios" name="ios" type="checkbox" ng-model="model.ios" ng-required="!model.ios && !model.android" /> <label for="ios"><i class="icon-apple"></i> iOS</label> <input id="android" name="android" type="checkbox" ng-model="model.android" ng-required="!model.ios && !model.android" /> <label for="android"><i class="icon-android"></i> Android</label> <button ng-disabled="addAppForm.$invalid " type="submit" ng-click="addNewApp(model.ios, model.android, model.appName)" class="button front-primary large radius expand">Let's GO!</button> </form> </div> <script src="https://code.angularjs.org/1.3.8/angular.min.js"></script> 

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