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我究竟做错了什么? 尝试通过ServletContextListener在web.xml中使用context-param

[英]What am I doing wrong? Trying to use context-param in web.xml with ServletContextListener

I am trying to use init-param in my web-app, and use it together with ServletContextListener. 我正在尝试在Web应用程序中使用init-param,并将其与ServletContextListener一起使用。 This should later be picked up my the servlet and displayed to the user. 稍后应在servlet中拾取它并显示给用户。 I have done everything I can, but I am getting an error. 我已竭尽所能,但出现错误。 Something is wrong and I can't see it. 出了点问题,我看不到。

My web.xml 我的web.xml


My class: 我的课:

 public class Developer implements ServletContextListener{

public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent e) {



public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent e) {
    ServletContext cntxt = e.getServletContext();

    String name = e.getServletContext().getInitParameter(name); 

    DevInfo student = new DevInfo(name);

    cntxt.setAttribute("student", student); 



Other class: 其他类:

public class DevInfo {

private String name;

public DevInfo (String name) {
    this.name = name;


public String getName() {
    return name;


Servlet: Servlet:

   DevInfo stu = (DevInfo)getServletContext().getAttribute("student");

    System.out.println("Developers name is: " + stu.getName());

My error is in the contextInitialized method. 我的错误是在contextInitialized方法中。 "The local variable name may not have been initialized" at e.getServletContext().getInitParameter(name); e.getServletContext()。getInitParameter(name);中的“本地变量名称可能尚未初始化”;

The actual way to get the context-param 's param-value is to pass the param-name on the getInitParameter method: 获取context-paramparam-value的实际方法是在getInitParameter方法上传递param-name

String name = e.getServletContext().getInitParameter("name");

You forgot to put name in quotes. 您忘了在引号中加上name

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