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[英]Application wide constants in Angularjs

We have an API that requires an application id be included with every request. 我们有一个API,要求每个请求都包含一个应用程序ID。 I'd like for this id to be accessible in every controller and I'd ideally like to only set it once. 我希望此ID在每个控制器中都可以访问,并且理想情况下,我只希望设置一次。 I can set it at the top level by doing: 我可以通过以下操作将其设置为最高级别:

['controller1', 'controller2', 'controller3'])
.constant('APPLICATION_ID', '12345abcde');

But I'd like to be able to access it in controller1/2/3. 但是我希望能够在controller1 / 2/3中访问它。 What's the best way to set the APPLICATION_ID variable so it's available in all components of the application? 设置APPLICATION_ID变量以便在应用程序的所有组件中可用的最佳方法是什么?

         ['controller1', 'controller2', 'controller3'])
         .constant('APPLICATION_ID', '12345abcde');

And then in your controller 然后在您的控制器中


         console.log("app id="+applicationId);


Since you need to send the Application_ID with every request to your api, as mentioned in the comments, you can modify the $http service to add the ID. 如注释中所述,由于需要将每个请求的Application_ID发送到您的api,因此可以修改$http服务以添加ID。

Define the constant 定义常数

  .constant('APPLICATION_ID', 'foobarbaz');

Inject the constant into your $http service to send with every request. 将常量注入您的$http服务,以随每个请求发送。


httpConfig.$inject = ['$httpProvider', '$provide'];

function httpConfig($httpProvider, $provide) {
  $provide.factory('httpInterceptor', ['APPLICATION_ID', function (APPLICATION_ID) {
    return {
      request: function (config) {
        // APPLICATION_ID can now be used in all your requests
        // Example:
        // To URL: GET /api/v1/users?appid=foobarbaz
        if (config.mehtod === 'GET') {
          var sep = config.url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&';
          config.url = config.url + sep + 'appid=' + APPLICATION_ID;

        return config;


Now you can use the Application_ID in all of your requests without the need to inject it into all of your controllers. 现在,您可以在所有请求中使用Application_ID ,而无需将其注入到所有控制器中。

Resources 资源资源

https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/ $http https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/ $ http

  • See section 'Setting HTTP Headers' on how to modify the headers sent 请参阅“设置HTTP标头”一节,了解如何修改发送的标头
  • See section 'Interceptors' for a more detailed example than the one above 有关上述示例的详细示例,请参见“拦截器”部分

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